Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Dog Has Dark Spots

Pro "never in the hands not holding":)

Once, in ancient times, in the 90-m to my sister-in-law came to visit and, having read the earlier popular books about elementary particles, and knew that a Geiger counter, in principle, can make yourself, lighted this idea:)). There was, of course, more pragmatic and incentive - to measure the background (then was elevated in the Ukraine), mushrooms out there ... but a mere formality - I promised give her a pre-purchased commercial digital dosimeter in the event of successful completion of the work, and she, knowing full well I was confident that it will in any case, regardless of :))).

itself it - pure humanist - an artist, soldering iron, never in the hands not kept and no radio components to that had never seen (and it was at that time already 27), but wanted to still try to collect yourself
(spitting on a very desirable Hermitage and the Russian museum, even - is there time ...) from and to the condition that I have to anything touching will not - only to advise.
scheme was issued, the necessary radio components and tools.

Despite the ridiculous simplicity of the scheme, it is still high voltage device - on a Geiger tube is energized more than 400 volts through an inverter and a multiplier, and thus higher demands for quality assembly and isolation transformer, moreover, very miniature, since the device was supposed portable and autonomous (powered by 2 AA-batteries).
Of course, this converter can was made much easier technologically, a little harder for the scheme, but get rid of this nightmare of the transformer (I payayu and shakes from early childhood, but such transformer wind would never dare:)))), and I slipped this scheme is pretty much making fun (and even the surrounding told her "to secret "that, well, I said that I still have (after the break in the winding), probably nothing will not work, and just do not want to upset her), but it still it domotala and collected the unit - so much was evident, the desire to "see" it ionizing radiation:)))
Here are the data of this transformer:

About 7000 turns of wire thinner than a human hair (it and find something so could not - had to sacrifice the windings of the two low-power relay) ... Of course, five times she vomited, and five times it had to knit (it and clear out some soldering problem) and then carefully isolate ... And all this in the amount of at least two cc. But nothing is wound and collected core, then spilled PCB (there was a picture, but the author's layout does not fit the desired housing; free space left on the board under fastened to the body telefonchik - to click:)) - was tyknut that this part of the scheme exists in the real world, and Par written on the body, where the transistor emitter, collector, drain, source, etc. - Itself in the directory. Reamed hand drill without breaking a single bit, divorced lacquered, etched in ferric chloride obludila, stuffed and soldered parts. Everything just three days. Work immediately! :))). I never touch nothing:). Most interesting that she asked me just what in principle could not know or learn on their own, guided by logic, common sense, and provided literature ... :)
I remembered this story because right now, this shawl was discovered, and revealed that she still, after already 20 years old, works:)))
And where are all deetsya after a 28-?...:( Now repainted in blonde, for a long time not playing the piano and in general - a clever, clever ...:)))

Published with the permission of the heroine and placed as a counterargument to the many "I will never order, this is not kept in the hands" - to refer to the case then:)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Old Testament Sins Punishable By Death


Moniuszko - Halka - Ewa Michnik (Wrozlaw, 2005) - DVD-9
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4

Tchaikovsky - Eugene Onegin - Jurowski - (Paris, 2003) - DVD-5
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
God knows what ...
in the original language :)

Schubert - Symphonies Nos.8 & 9 - Wand, NDR SO (95, TDK) - DVD-5
Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3

Pif-Paf (80) - DVD-5
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
Известный мультик в хорошем capacity. As part of the collection.

How Music Works - AVI
Part 1 , Part 2
In English. But the man said very clearly - it is clear even to children.
4 movie. This is mainly to the question about the English terminology.

Brahms, Schumanns - Concerto, Sonata, Lieders - Grimaud, E. Salonen, Otter (2005, DG)
APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 318

Eneїda (Ukranimafilm, 91) - AVI
full-length cartoon by the famous poem (Authorised translation from the Latin ) Ivan Kotliarevsky (1769 - 1838) . Ukrainian language ( translated into Russian ). Start:

Aeneas was a fellow motor
And even a guy where Kozak,
resorted to evil vseye smart,
Zavzyatiyshyy Burlak all units.
But the Greeks, as burning Troy,
done with her stack of manure,
He took the bag gave traction;
Having taken some Trojans,
Osmalenyh as weight, chain,
five of Troy nakyvav.

He quickly porobyvshy boats,
pospuskav On the blue sea,
Trojans nasadzhavshy full,
And where pochuhrav eyes. But evil
Juno, sucha daughter,
Rozkudkudakalas, a hen,
Aeneas did not love - fear;
long she has wanted,
flew to his dear
K devils and not to the spirit and groin.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How Do I Insert A .png File In Autocad

Shizaya Fanbook "LOOP"

Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya
Rating: PG
Circle: Java