Monday, December 27, 2010

Does Battery Charger Matter


Dear comrades, ladies and gentlemen!
hereby notifies you of the termination of further development of this magazine.
"White movement to an end. People are not with us - he is against us "(from):)
Atavistichnost this magazine has long obvious - all the best of world music long and firmly rests on numerous resources, and torrents have become powerful and strong (hopefully permanently) and dynamically stable support and multiply the concentration of all sensible of kindness :).
all existing music content from the magazine, of course, will be retained, and old posts may be replenished, without announcement, however. For all the musical references supposed to Lifetime (or my people) warranty. External Links (Update from) in the case of their untimely deaths, most likely, will be cremated - Restoring them to me very difficult.
comments to all posts are also closed on those grounds under the cut - in them and there is no need - Friends, usually only comment on new posts, which are no longer in sight, and
recently on a normal account for ten either outright boors, either absolutely inadequate from my point of view ascribed to me unhealthy intentions and crooked interpretations of my reaction on or verbiage long and boring composted brains , not paying attention to multiple-iterative attempts to shake off peacefully, but in the end it * ische, again, begins evaluate , and even to teach ethics in the Internet ...
Generally speaking, I have friends from so many times and heard the corresponding assessment of my intentions (indirectly, of course - lack of understanding "why" or the surprise of my "inadequate response" to the innocent from their point of view of the issues) and advice "not to respond."
I can not answer in the magazine on the right given to me personally question the woman, or even unpleasant to me man, if he openly not Hamit (if Hamit - my happiness, and I let go internally), or simply a neutral remark left unanswered believe incorrectly - in the Journal. And
to change their ethical standards are not going to - it is easier just to disconnect.

All pleasant Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)

Upd: unfortunately, the complete ban comments, missing all the previously made and written by others to conceal I consider myself not the right - made the comments "just for friends." Dear nedruzya, excuse me, please, for discrimination:). Comment on something anyway nothing:)
Please do not interpret these as yaw throwing - I did not know that the complete blocking hides all the comments ... :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Egg White Cm Instead Of Period

Sharing 2 Aoba x Mikado doujinshi!

 Thanks again to  [info] yuja_cha  for the scans! :3