Sunday, October 11, 2009

Can Peroxide Kill Warts

Sims' Story (Ebony)

The land still bears the fragrance of Ebony

"I was born where the rain still carries the smell of ebony
A land where cement strangles the sun not yet
Everyone said that I was beautiful like the great African night
And the moon shone in my eyes, I called the Black Pearl ...

At sixteen years I have sold a kiss to my mother and I have turned
In the city with its thousand lights for a moment I lost ...
So there I soon learned that my dreams were just illusions
And if I wanted to try their luck had to leave everything

Ebony ...
Jack O's bar, hotel Parade, from me ... une

I spent everything I had to travel and my documents
in Palermo in '94 we had over a hundred down to the harbor ...
He picked oranges and lemons in a large field in the hills
worked late into the night for two pennies and a hidden room

Ebony ...

It's a long long night
It's a long long time
It's a long long road Ebony

Then one day I ran away to Bologna with little hope
I stopped by a friend, looking for Now I
new fortune-heeled boots and fur leopard
And everyone knows that the Black Pearl are happy with just ...

Ebony ...
Jack O's bar, hotel Parade, one for me
Ebony ...
Ebony ...
It's a long long night
It's a long long time
It's a long long road Ebony

So if you go to Bologna, remember what my story
along the avenues towards the evening, my dreams do not ask for anything more
Ebony ... "

This song is not about me, my history and yet each time the play back down memory lane and I think the place where I was born. Although there is breathed the scent of Ebony and there were no large cities, there were no paved roads, cars, cranes, buildings, nightclubs ... Streetlights. There was nothing but the little that is owned by the sweat of a lifetime.

Amina and I am living in the wild Africa.
My house was small, we had no electricity or running water but we had torches and a beautiful little lake of clear water and fresh.
Everything was built by my father after great sacrifices on the job, working for a major industry. It was exploited and underpaid, sometimes working more than twelve hours but he was happy because he did it for me and my mother. A brutal day, however, a worker came to our house, I was small and did not understand why my mother burst into tears, I saw only a few days after a coffin and a tombstone with a picture of my father.
He died on the job, scaffolding had to support the workers were not under a pole gave way and ruined my father on the ground crushed by a ton of bricks.

I was a child and the pain of a death you miss a flight of a butterfly.
the age of sixteen I was a little woman now and everyone said I was beautiful, I had the eyes of my father.
I spent my days helping my mother in the garden, a swim in the lake and at night, while my mother sewed clothes that he then sold to the market I was reading a book.
In my father's will had specified that most of the money I had would have been entitled to my school life, he wanted to study and become someone.
"The culture makes you free".

Everything was going well and I was happy that life easier. Sometimes pativamo hunger, we did not have much money, but we were free, were not objects of anyone.
The life I lived was ours.
The problems began when my mother began to not see each other any more. The
diotrie the dramatically lowered and now it was almost went blind.
He could no longer work with the sewing machine and work the camp had become very difficult for her, she could not see the turf or plants already planted.
One night I heard her go out the window and saw that he knelt before the tomb of my father as if to ask forgiveness.
"But of what?" I thought back to sleep.

The next morning I saw a man come to our house that he began to talk to my mother.
I was hidden behind a palm tree to listen but not understand very well.
about money, work, and I thought they were talking about the mother's clothes.
My mother was crying and I thought that nobody would buy her more clothes but at some point I saw that the man handed her a few large bills.
"I will return tomorrow" And laughing
she walked past me.


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