Monday, December 27, 2010

Does Battery Charger Matter


Dear comrades, ladies and gentlemen!
hereby notifies you of the termination of further development of this magazine.
"White movement to an end. People are not with us - he is against us "(from):)
Atavistichnost this magazine has long obvious - all the best of world music long and firmly rests on numerous resources, and torrents have become powerful and strong (hopefully permanently) and dynamically stable support and multiply the concentration of all sensible of kindness :).
all existing music content from the magazine, of course, will be retained, and old posts may be replenished, without announcement, however. For all the musical references supposed to Lifetime (or my people) warranty. External Links (Update from) in the case of their untimely deaths, most likely, will be cremated - Restoring them to me very difficult.
comments to all posts are also closed on those grounds under the cut - in them and there is no need - Friends, usually only comment on new posts, which are no longer in sight, and
recently on a normal account for ten either outright boors, either absolutely inadequate from my point of view ascribed to me unhealthy intentions and crooked interpretations of my reaction on or verbiage long and boring composted brains , not paying attention to multiple-iterative attempts to shake off peacefully, but in the end it * ische, again, begins evaluate , and even to teach ethics in the Internet ...
Generally speaking, I have friends from so many times and heard the corresponding assessment of my intentions (indirectly, of course - lack of understanding "why" or the surprise of my "inadequate response" to the innocent from their point of view of the issues) and advice "not to respond."
I can not answer in the magazine on the right given to me personally question the woman, or even unpleasant to me man, if he openly not Hamit (if Hamit - my happiness, and I let go internally), or simply a neutral remark left unanswered believe incorrectly - in the Journal. And
to change their ethical standards are not going to - it is easier just to disconnect.

All pleasant Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)

Upd: unfortunately, the complete ban comments, missing all the previously made and written by others to conceal I consider myself not the right - made the comments "just for friends." Dear nedruzya, excuse me, please, for discrimination:). Comment on something anyway nothing:)
Please do not interpret these as yaw throwing - I did not know that the complete blocking hides all the comments ... :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Egg White Cm Instead Of Period

Sharing 2 Aoba x Mikado doujinshi!

 Thanks again to  [info] yuja_cha  for the scans! :3



Tuesday, November 30, 2010

How Old Is Anne-marie Mediwake

Aoba x Mikado Doujinshi by FuumoX2

 As alwayas thanks to  [info] yuja_cha  for the scans!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mastrabating Styles For Guys

Doujinshi Aoba/Izaya x Mikado

Thanks to [info] yuja_cha   for the scanner.

Title: 触っちゃダメ!!
Pairing: Aoba/Izaya x Mikado
Circle: FUMUx2
Rating: PG13
Pixiv Account


Please comment if you download this doujinshi! :

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hsbc Discover Direct Platinum

DRRR!! Doujinshi


Monday, October 11, 2010

Is It Implantation Bleeding 8 Days Before Period

Tatiana Nikolayeva

Tatiana Nikolayeva -

   Этот пост - во многом исключение для журнала. И пианистов я стараюсь только ныне живущих, и жгуче уважаемая maks_koneko met a couple of years ago to implement a large project Tatiana Petrovna, either on demonoide, whether in his journal, and was waiting for the appearance on CD clavier concerts with Sondetskis ... But for several reasons have decided to make this post, though almost all now really is a known resource - the pianist is very outstanding and should be presented in one place as far as possible a full - and tracker sites come and go, and I and the people forever ;-))
None of the great pianist and the Russian Performing sets, except of small circulation RuPS of BMG, it is not included ...

Bach - BWV 1052-1056, 1058, 1060-1065 - Nikolayeva, Petuchov, Evseeva, Senkov, Sondeckis (1975, Melodia)
APE + CUE, 4 LP , 707
Since this cycle is, in many respects remarkable, and not released until now on CD, as an exception, decided to put high-quality vinyl rip from a reputable pmarkov . The original can be taken on and RS in his journal - a digital museum of domestic vinyl.
Exception: this is vinil rip by dear pmarkov . Original here

Bach - BWV 1055; BWV 1061-1063 - Nikolayeva, Sondeckis; Dedova, Volchok, Altshuler (1983, 1987, Melodia)
APE + CUE, a CD , 215
This is the only studio recording Bach concert with Sondetskis.

Bach - The Art of Fugue - Nikolayeva (1992, Hyperion)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 2 CD , 370
This set is also there

Bach - The Well-Tempered Clavier - Nikolayeva (71, 73, Jimmy)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 4 CD , 1010

Bach - The Well-Tempered Clavier - Nikolayeva (84, MK)
APE + CUE, 4 CD , 770

Bach - BWV 825-831 - Nikolayeva (80, Melodia)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 5 LP , 650
Original possible take and RS log pmarkov .
Exception: this is vinil rip by dear pmarkov . Original here

Bach - English & French Suites - Nikolayeva (65 & 84, Scribendum)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 2 CD , 557

Bach - Goldberg Variations - Nikolayeva (1970, Relief)
APE + CUE, a CD , 243
last two seconds of 6-th variation of the cut (Lost completeness) - have decided to place, even if defective.
Attention! This disk has defect

Bach - Goldberg Variations - Nikolayeva (1986, BBC)
APE + CUE, a CD , 302

Bach - Goldberg Variations - Nikolayeva (92, Hyperion)

Gift of maks_koneko
Bach - Inventions & Sinfonias - Nikolayeva (77, Olympia)
Original rip

Bach - Inventions & Sinfonias - Nikolayeva (84, Melodia)
APE+CUE, 1 CD , 203

Bach - 12 & 6 Little Preludes,..., BWV535 - Nikolayeva (91, Victor)
APE + CUE, a CD , 165

Tatiana Nikolayeva plays Bach (1980, Regis)

APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 212
Italian Concerto and transcription
This drive is also there

Beethoven - Complete Piano Sonatas - Nikolayeva (84, Scribendum)
Part 1 , Part 2
This set was previously posted in the journal with an error - instead of the 9 th disk there lay a double eight. For who took him to 28.09.10 - DISK 9 separately.

Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos.11-14 - Nikolayeva (1983, Olympia)
APE + CUE, a CD , 270
This and the following discs are also live, recorded a year earlier. Other disks cycle 83rd year, sort of, did not go. Discs Olympia, is a proper subset Other labels are not presented here.

Gift of maks_koneko
Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Nos.23-27 - Nikolayeva (1983, Olympia)
APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 302
Original rip

Beethoven - Piano Sonatas Op.53 & Op.57 - Nikolayeva (93, Novalis)
APE+CUE, 1 CD , 180
Последняя запись.

Gift of maks_koneko
Beethoven - Piano Variations Op.35 & Op.120 - Nikolayeva (83, Olympia)
Original rip

Mozart - Double & Triple Piano Concertos KV 365 & 242 - Nikolaeva, Virsaladze, Lugansky, Sondeckis (86, Melodia)

Tchaikovsky - Grande Sonata Op.37, Two Waltzes - Nikolayeva (Switzerland, 91)

Borodin; Lyadov; Prokofviev - etc. - Nikolayeva (Switzerland, 91)

Shostakovich - 24 Preludes & Fugues - Nikolayeva (87, Melodia)
APE+CUE, 3 CD , 443

Shostakovich - 24 Preludes & Fugues - Nikolayeva (90, Hyperion)

Shostakovich - 24 Preludes & Fugues - Nikolayeva (92, BBC) - DVD-9
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
Последняя videotape.

Golubev - Piano Concerto No.3, Piano Sonata No.4 - Nikolayeva, Anosov (54, 76, Melodia)
APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 273

Pantygirdlesr Fitting

Murray Perahia

Murray Perahia -
Intelligent piano

Bach - BWV 806-811 - Perahia (97-98, Sony)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 2 CD , 471

Bach - BWV 825-830 - Perahia (07, 09, Sony)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 2 CD , 445
That's not for nothing that Gilels did not play Bach ... I think he wanted to play it something like that, but it did not take b, and lie did not want to ...

Bach - BWV 988 - Perahia (2000, Sony)
APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 227
C Gould compare :))). After this performance Goldberg Gould I strongly reminiscent of something rushing out of the windows musical college ... :)

Bach - BWV 1052-1058 - Perahia, ASMF (00-01, Sony)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 2 CD , 427
Earth : not "stream" in his Bach ... The oceans are different: India - one, the Arctic - more ... Bach Perayi - a Gulfstream in the North Atlantic:)
course, Nikolaev - it Nikolaev, and its concerts of Bach, I believe benchmark, but there is in these concerts, and even something for the piano - a delicate and fragile, inaccessible harpsichord, which she had not heard ... And Perayi hear:)
drives are just, well, at least a little more slowly b ... What's All this is clear - with your fingers, then:)

Beethoven - Complete Piano Concertos - Perahia, Haitink (83-87, Sony)

Beethoven - Complete Piano Concertos - Perahia, Marriner (88, BBC) - 2xDVD-9
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 , Part 8

Beethoven - Piano Concerto No.1 in C Major, Op.15 etc - Perahia, Solti (1987, BBC) - DVD-5
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
still here Coriolanus and 7 th Symphony

Chopin - Piano Concertos - Perahia, Mehta (1989, Sony)

Chopin - Ballades etc. - Perahia (Sony)

Chopin - Etudes, Impromtus - Perahia (01, 83, Sony)

Chopin - Impromtus, Fantaisie, Barcarolle - Perahia
APE+CUE, 1 CD , 106

Handel - Suites, Scarlatti - Sonatas - Perahia (96, Sony)

Mozart - Complete Piano Concertos - Perahia, ECO (76-84, Sony)
Part 1 , Part 2
Finally, you can normally hear the children's concerts on the piano (harpsichord, they reference a Lyubimov, I), in particular, the second part of KV 41 (at Raupahu).
orchestra he is still too fuzzy and soft. Generally, Mozart had women, of course:)

Mozart - Concertos for 2 & 3 Pianos etc - Perahia, Lupu, ECO (1988, Sony)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 1 CD, 213

Gift of maks_koneko
Schubert - D940, Mozart - KV 448 - Perahia, Lupu (Sony)
APE + CUE, 1 CD, 127
Этот диск есть также там

Schubert - D 760, D 959 - Perahia (01, Sony)

Schubert - Piano Sonatas D 958-960 - Perahia (02, Sony)
APE+CUE+ COVERS , 2 CD , 272

Schumann, Grieg - Piano Concertos - Perahia, Davis (1993, Sony)
APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 194

Mendelssohn - Piano Concertos Op. 25 & 40 - Perahia, Marriner
APE + CUE + COVERS , a CD , 237
This disc is also there

Great Pianists of the 20th Century Vol.75 - Perahia
APE + CUE + COVERS, 2 CD , 461
This set is also there

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Dog Has Dark Spots

Pro "never in the hands not holding":)

Once, in ancient times, in the 90-m to my sister-in-law came to visit and, having read the earlier popular books about elementary particles, and knew that a Geiger counter, in principle, can make yourself, lighted this idea:)). There was, of course, more pragmatic and incentive - to measure the background (then was elevated in the Ukraine), mushrooms out there ... but a mere formality - I promised give her a pre-purchased commercial digital dosimeter in the event of successful completion of the work, and she, knowing full well I was confident that it will in any case, regardless of :))).

itself it - pure humanist - an artist, soldering iron, never in the hands not kept and no radio components to that had never seen (and it was at that time already 27), but wanted to still try to collect yourself
(spitting on a very desirable Hermitage and the Russian museum, even - is there time ...) from and to the condition that I have to anything touching will not - only to advise.
scheme was issued, the necessary radio components and tools.

Despite the ridiculous simplicity of the scheme, it is still high voltage device - on a Geiger tube is energized more than 400 volts through an inverter and a multiplier, and thus higher demands for quality assembly and isolation transformer, moreover, very miniature, since the device was supposed portable and autonomous (powered by 2 AA-batteries).
Of course, this converter can was made much easier technologically, a little harder for the scheme, but get rid of this nightmare of the transformer (I payayu and shakes from early childhood, but such transformer wind would never dare:)))), and I slipped this scheme is pretty much making fun (and even the surrounding told her "to secret "that, well, I said that I still have (after the break in the winding), probably nothing will not work, and just do not want to upset her), but it still it domotala and collected the unit - so much was evident, the desire to "see" it ionizing radiation:)))
Here are the data of this transformer:

About 7000 turns of wire thinner than a human hair (it and find something so could not - had to sacrifice the windings of the two low-power relay) ... Of course, five times she vomited, and five times it had to knit (it and clear out some soldering problem) and then carefully isolate ... And all this in the amount of at least two cc. But nothing is wound and collected core, then spilled PCB (there was a picture, but the author's layout does not fit the desired housing; free space left on the board under fastened to the body telefonchik - to click:)) - was tyknut that this part of the scheme exists in the real world, and Par written on the body, where the transistor emitter, collector, drain, source, etc. - Itself in the directory. Reamed hand drill without breaking a single bit, divorced lacquered, etched in ferric chloride obludila, stuffed and soldered parts. Everything just three days. Work immediately! :))). I never touch nothing:). Most interesting that she asked me just what in principle could not know or learn on their own, guided by logic, common sense, and provided literature ... :)
I remembered this story because right now, this shawl was discovered, and revealed that she still, after already 20 years old, works:)))
And where are all deetsya after a 28-?...:( Now repainted in blonde, for a long time not playing the piano and in general - a clever, clever ...:)))

Published with the permission of the heroine and placed as a counterargument to the many "I will never order, this is not kept in the hands" - to refer to the case then:)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Old Testament Sins Punishable By Death


Moniuszko - Halka - Ewa Michnik (Wrozlaw, 2005) - DVD-9
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4

Tchaikovsky - Eugene Onegin - Jurowski - (Paris, 2003) - DVD-5
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
God knows what ...
in the original language :)

Schubert - Symphonies Nos.8 & 9 - Wand, NDR SO (95, TDK) - DVD-5
Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3

Pif-Paf (80) - DVD-5
Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3
Известный мультик в хорошем capacity. As part of the collection.

How Music Works - AVI
Part 1 , Part 2
In English. But the man said very clearly - it is clear even to children.
4 movie. This is mainly to the question about the English terminology.

Brahms, Schumanns - Concerto, Sonata, Lieders - Grimaud, E. Salonen, Otter (2005, DG)
APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 318

Eneїda (Ukranimafilm, 91) - AVI
full-length cartoon by the famous poem (Authorised translation from the Latin ) Ivan Kotliarevsky (1769 - 1838) . Ukrainian language ( translated into Russian ). Start:

Aeneas was a fellow motor
And even a guy where Kozak,
resorted to evil vseye smart,
Zavzyatiyshyy Burlak all units.
But the Greeks, as burning Troy,
done with her stack of manure,
He took the bag gave traction;
Having taken some Trojans,
Osmalenyh as weight, chain,
five of Troy nakyvav.

He quickly porobyvshy boats,
pospuskav On the blue sea,
Trojans nasadzhavshy full,
And where pochuhrav eyes. But evil
Juno, sucha daughter,
Rozkudkudakalas, a hen,
Aeneas did not love - fear;
long she has wanted,
flew to his dear
K devils and not to the spirit and groin.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How Do I Insert A .png File In Autocad

Shizaya Fanbook "LOOP"

Pairing: Shizuo/Izaya
Rating: PG
Circle: Java

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Old Style Loggy Bayou Tree Stand

Doujinshi Scans: "Violence Love Comedy" Shizuo x Vorona (DRRR!!)

This is my first doujinshi scanalation and my scanner sucks... so itsn't perfect! >__< I hope you like it! :3

Title: Violence, Love Comedy.
Pairing: Shizuo Heiwajima x Voron.
Rating: R-18
Circle paraiso

* Do NOT Redistribute this anywhere else or re-upload additional links

* Download (Mediafire)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Overdue Recall Letter

turner_journal @ 2010-08-24T22:27:00

. Bread and circuses.

They decided to do a reality show on the police to SC.
I have not been considered suitable for transmission.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pokemon Gpsphone Gameshark Not Working


Since finishing the case of Snow and the Russians here in the department has returned the flat calm of those who live constantly on vacation. Only I'm not going. Where the hell should I go? by Moira and Alex? God knows how they are quiet at this time, I figured if I come back to me alive.

Populate Documents and listening to nonsense from morning to night: The other day a peroxide blonde had bad words with a drunk driver that I have yet to hear, two heads of wood they brought straight to jail without even passing by the department, it happens too many times so ;. Well I had to listen to the lecture while I was hurt and annoyed at how intransigent the police in this city. Do not make me laugh nock. Imagine this sort of silicone doll that shakes and puffing as if he were trying to pull out of jail Nelson Mandela for being groped by evening out to go to some cocktail.

Christ is all a joke ...
has to be. Is to see that I'm the one that hit the mark and began firing on the crowd.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cool Dentist Sayings (funny)

Fanfiction: Teorema.

fanfiction! Durarara! Shizuo x Izaya.

Chapter 1. Monster.

The view from the window was always the same, in spring, summer, autumn and even winter, everything was always so damn same. Shizuo not had never been the type of person to be disturbed by the facts as irrelevant, until an incident happened a couple of weeks earlier he had begun to disrupt his daily routine.

Due to a simple exchange of glances in the school yard, damn the day he had met for the first time Izaya Orihara, his life had begun to have strange ups and downs.

the highs and lows had always been part of her daily routine, from some points of view then was not even his fault, he hated having problems and was always trying to stay away, but for some reason unexplained problems were always ready find it. Even

that day from school, a group of final year students staring at him through the gate that led to the issue, the only exit of the Institute. The more mature and instinctive choice by Shizuo was to ignore the group, even if it was not entirely sure, tried to imagine what was happening as a case. Those people were not there for him , although he tried to imagine his thoughts have been altered, the moment when a couple of guys approached him shouldered knives and anything you could improvise like a weapon.

"nuisance." He was the only comment by Shizuo before one of the students departed the assault, trying to hit the head with a baseball bat, the boy did not managed to completely avoid the blow coming just struck near the shoulder and feeling a sharp pain. He let out a curse from the lips grabbing the boy by the hair and making him violently beat his head against the nearest wall.

now did not shrink more of his own actions, thus as blood smeared his shirt.

He stopped abruptly, the body that ached so inhumane and out of breath still on him. He could still feel the blood pulsing in his veins, a slight feeling of weakness for having too much of himself as he often made his way into his body.

cursed when her legs could no longer keep up, dropping on her knees. The hands and arms which still had that bit of necessary strength helped him to stand, avoiding a direct confrontation with the asphalt.

"I have been an awkward this time. " He spoke in a voice that now knew, had a tone between the arrogant and the obvious. He arched an eyebrow, raising his head to meet the smile of mockery Izaya.

"Go to hell, dirty bastard." I said through clenched teeth, using the wall to push up on their feet. Izaya enjoyed laughing with his hands in his pockets where he played with the strip cell.

"I must say that never ceases to amaze me, as you will get hurt, he always manages to rise from just six per case ... a monster?"

The naturalness with which he had called the monster had not a little nervous. Instinctively moved toward the other guy, trying to hit with all the strength he had left in his body, but the attack went to empty the blade of the knife Izaya caused a small cut on the chest of the blond boy tearing his shirt .

"disgusting ..." began the sentence, but the laughter stopped him crystalline Izaya "Oops ... I ran away." He added with a fake innocent tone that tried Shizuo to ignore.

"I believe I have more time to waste with you, it was fun, Shizzy-Chan."

Izaya could not get away as a hand shook violently around his throat, making it helpless for those seconds needed to be able to beat the wall. At that moment Izaya felt helpless, the fear that he tried in every way to hide him forget to get the knife in the pocket of his trousers, even if at that time his only concern was to remain conscious.

The stranglehold suddenly became less intense Izaya not until he found himself totally free. Instinctively her hand to caress the victim, but a bad cough at the same time trying to bring back the regular breathing.

And despite an annoying grin was painted on his lips, Shizuo could not help but nervously squared.

"Hey Shizzy, I have an idea."

"What the hell do you want?"

He knew that there was no trust Izaya and he knew equally well that it would not faced a discussion with him. It was just unnecessary fly no more.

"I will leave you in peace, but on one condition ... it could be a game played by the rules." The look of the blonde was concentrated on the movements of Izaya, had not lowered their guard for even a second. Izaya returned his gaze with a smile, tilting her face to the side, "I want you to do everything you ask, and when I say everything ... I mean everything well ... I want to have fun with you."

If he had not known enough about the perverse side of Izaya would have thought it was a joke, ma la serietà con cui aveva pronunciato quelle parole l’aveva lasciato spiazzato solo per alcuni secondi. Lo fissò disgustato, incrociando le mani al petto   “Sei un fottuto pervertito.” Asserì suscitando una risata divertita da parte di Izaya. “Certo Shizzy, ma tu non mi hai detto di no.” Lo punzecchiò a sua volta il moro, l’altro ragazzo gli lanciò un’occhiata torva “Ed io cosa ottengo?”

“La pace, o almeno … dopo che ci saremo incontrati, ti lascerò in peace for a week, then we'll meet again until I get tired of this game. "

Shizuo not uttered once, what he got was tempting, but the thought of having to do certain things with that & rsquo ; hateful fly made him sick. A slight laugh

by Izaya roused him from his thoughts, "My God Shizzy, if you knew you well enough ... I would say that we're thinking," but ignored the other "I Accept. & Rdquo ;

Izaya opened eyes slightly surprised, then amused smile.

What the hell was he thinking? Because he had accepted? These and more questions running through his mind by Shizuo he walked with his hands in his pockets while passers-by stared at him slightly confused because of how it had been reduced following the brawl, although he did not cared that much.

Especially do not know how to explain the strange desire to be futile to have fun with him, up until then had always thought that his only aim was to try to get killed. A sense of frustration took hold in him, he hated feeling especially so when it came to think of Izaya.

"I'm home."

Kasuko was sitting at the table with his family, the father of a man Shizuo little taller than him by the hair was by his side holding the newspaper, while her mother was busy filling dishes.

"Welcome back Shizuo -" the woman stood, her fingers clutching the ladle which immediately slid on the plate. With apprehensive gesture touched the cheek of the boy and sighed, "Another quarrel with your classmates?"

The father seemed to ignore it completely while Kasuko looked at him worried, "I'll go back and change me."

He knew that his father could not bear to see him come home in the reduced state, but now we had the habit. His father ignored him, he would continue to do the same, after missing a year after graduation, he would go home, he would try to attend a job ... maybe even a person would not have been so bad if ... there had been only half of what his problem of being unable to control his own strength. Probably

his behavior was a coward, he should openly confront the situation, but basically it was also his fault because the problem of not being able to manage on his full strength he had. While

unbuttoned his shirt now reduced to shreds, he felt a gaze on her back and turned his brother's worried that he met Kasuko; instinctively smiled, noting that in his hands he held a box of Band-Aids, gauze and disinfectant.

Kasuko had become almost a habit to appear before his brother after school and worry about the injuries that caused curargli; Shizuo on the other hand liked his brother's concern that way for him, he knew that even if Kasuko was not a person of many words with gestures trying to convey as much as possible.

The blond boy stood in silence in turn looking to start a conversation with his brother, because of the work in the entertainment world of the two Kasuko rarely spend time together. It is torture for a few minutes a patch that wrapped the thumb - "In the end you have been hired for that role on that movie," he asked suddenly remembering a curious hint of this kind by the boy.

"Uhm ... excuse me you'd forgotten to tell. We will start filming next week, in fact I will not be home for three weeks. The script is not bad, it is a story that takes place in the future in which the protagonist only has survived, and some fellow ... not bad. "

Although the tone of voice was calm and apparently Kasuko uninteresting, Shizuo knew that his brother when it came to work was a completely different person.

"Why did you and Dad have stopped talking about?" He added, changing his tone of voice, Shizuo Kasuko sighed looking at the corner of the eye. He probably suffered a lot more to that situation than they suffer the same Shizuo.

In a secluded residential area of Ikebukuro, Izaya was walking calmly toward the way home. He kept his fingers still resting on the neck pain, while the other hand was holding the rucksack.

had to admit that despite everything he had obtained what he wanted and every day he understood what was Shizuo idiot ... actually it was not at all, but what little brain she had, used it very rarely.

let out a slight laugh, and casually opened the door. on entry were two pairs of shoes thrown on the ground at random, Izaya ignored that fact and went into the kitchen where two girls were lovingly preparing lunch - this was only apparent, in fact the kitchen was the most upside of the entrance.

"Izaya-nii! Welcome back! "Kurururi greeted him by placing a knife on the table the size of a little 'disproportionate to slice the carrots, it also Mairu flew to greet his brother with a mischievous smile.

"Iza-nii! The mother phoned that will not be back until tonight, so you must try the lunch you have prepared, "the girl's face was painted a grin, his brother was focused on a way to avoid having the bad cooking of the sisters: the last time I had tasted something prepared by them, had spent the whole afternoon locked in the bathroom.

Suddenly the flip phone warned him of an incoming message, nonchalantly pushed the button sending and took a quick look at mobile phone display.

"Shizuo I spoke to one of your discussion that took place today, so I advise you to joke with him, you know who wants you dead. "

- Shinra.

Izaya watched the display with interest, enjoyed a grin on his face.

At that moment he wanted more than anything else out and go directly to Shizuo, just because he wanted his plan, its fun begins as soon as possible; Mairu stared at him from below, hands on hips and under the stern gaze glasses.

"What?" His voice seemed almost say - "He pulls out an excuse and I'm breaking in two."

He managed to "escape" at home negotiating with the girls, the his wallet was lightened but it was not a big problem for him.

"What the hell do you want?" Shizuo stared at him angrily, in his hand he held the book in literature, was studying a few minutes before Izaya came into her room through the window - there was to specify that his room was on the second floor.

Izaya's face was painted the usual arrogant smile that showed every time that I met his gaze, her lips bent in a grin. Without providing a way of intimidating them had entered the room, his hands in his pockets and looking around curiously.

"So?" Shizuo asked impatiently so strong in his hands clutching the book to risk and reduce it to shreds Izaya did not seem the least bothered by his behavior.

It glanced around the room for better search in dim light, small and neat and tidy, the room did not seem even to a boy. On the side affixed to the window where he entered there was a wall completely covered with photographs and memories of all kinds in print; Izaya tilted her face looking better pictures depicting the same Shizuo who 'knew' slightly more children and with a smile on her face as she hugged her brother or mother.

For a few seconds he felt a sense of jealousy that he never had the chance to see him so, but then inside when she realized what had seemed ridiculous, as well as his thoughts himself.

"... so what?" The tone of nervous Shizuo had brought back the reality of the room, tried not to look annoyed that wall with pictures and brought the look on boy in front of them.

"I never said that someone like you could be so ordered." He could not express some of his thoughts that obviously had been ignored and Shizuo without thinking further I had blocked the wall with one hand, putting his arm behind his back while the other arm was pressed on throat.

"I asked what the hell you want, then I have to do whatever your problem to disappear soon unless you want to make a flight down there."

For some seconds he seemed to feel a failure by by Shizuo, his grip was less potent than usual, even for a moment he felt a slight tremor probably resulted from the uncertainty.

"Leave me alone." He whispered calmly, Shizuo hesitated for several seconds in front of that request, then remove all of the force with which restrained Izaya and back.

Izaya rather than keeping it as it was brought forward, bringing his arm around the neck of Shizuo and forcing him to fall to his face; centimeters how far apart their lips were very few Perhaps they were even millimeters.

"You may regret it." that would probably sound more like a threat, but Izaya it was more of an invitation.

"I'm not afraid of you." He whispered, while their lips were touched for the first time.

Shizuo did not object, he simply returned to what he was nothing more than a simple exchange of saliva, is nothing more important; Izaya pressed her against his waist that was left slightly puzzled. When the language of

Izaya entered forcefully into his mouth a mechanism forced him to make a gesture that would never have thought to do, without the slightest effort had raised the other guy, literally dragging on the desk, dropping the pen and a couple of other objects nearby.

Izaya was backed for breath hiding half satisfied smile that the other fortunately did not notice.

The room was filled with low moans, whispers and rumors that the two were trying to make it as suffused possible. The boy's hands were dark toned down to touch the abdomen of the other, further decreasing to tease with the elastic of his boxer malice.

Shizuo one eye half closed suddenly when he felt the teeth of the teeth lacerations Izaya corner of his mouth with the obvious intent to cause him pain, the blonde gasped and pushed hard the other guy with his back against the desk so that Izaya let out a short cry of surprise.

"You hurt me, asshole!" He exclaimed without a second thought Shizuo probably with a voice too high, on the other hand Izaya had answered a laugh low and provocative, while from his lips dripping blood red dark. Shizuo instinctively raised her hand to her mouth where Izaya just before the wounded, touching the injured party that automatically had 'stained' the hand of the same blood that bathed the lips of the dark.

I looked for a moment while the other eye with a look back at his ill-concealed innocent, casually swinging his legs from the desk while casually placing the clothes in an attempt to cover the signs that's Shizuo had left on the body.

"It 's been ... you know, fun." Vague Izaya said, trying to rise up despite the other prevented any escape.

Shizuo hesitated, then moved sideways to let him pass and in that gesture failed to recognize Minimally, the dark and went to the window with a slight smile on his face he just greet him with a 'next to'.

What was that strange sensation?

He had done nothing more than a trick of his enemies, taking half the fun for himself ... he had done more than once, but this time ...

... something was wrong, he could not tell if anything was founded or simply a joke that was doing his brain. He opted for the latter, with the excuse that he was thinking at that time too.

Suddenly his phone rang and when he noticed the house number on the display he remembered to have two sisters who were waiting for him, reluctantly replied in a tone of quiet listening Mairu screaming at the other end of the phone.

"Izaya-nii! When you deserve to go home? We want to play with you! "

Orihara more annoyed the ear off the phone with a laugh and said," I bring a little ' candy, okay? "

now knew them well enough to know their weaknesses, but said it Mairu not he just apologize, say goodbye and hang up.

annoying as he was, he would have the opportunity to think. Again.

He glanced nervously to the books, running a hand through his hair, he did not understand even though in reality there was not much to understand, but the fact that I felt like using a person who simply made him a little disgusted 'disoriented.

Tomorrow would not be seen again, probably if they met their eyes were diverted. Simply remove the memories of that day would be the best.

The days passed so unexpectedly quiet that nobody wanted to pick a fight, not even the shadow of Izaya, he wondered if even in those days or not attending the same class.

In fact would not have had to import so much, not really.

Tick Tack, Tick Tack.

The sound of the clock sounded in the room followed by the noise coming from the bathroom to the side and also the slow steps, the door creaked and a hand that's ruffled hair.

Izaya covered his face with one hand when a beam of light hit right in his face forcing him to open his eyes. His mother, a woman little taller than him, younger and with long black hair was bent to arrange the paperwork that was left around the room.

"At what time you come back tonight?" The woman spoke without even looking at him in the face, the boy raised his eyes to heaven, coming down from the bed to get dressed and go to the bathroom.

"None of your business."

He glanced over his shoulder, noting that she was trembling, but all that mattered only relatively, when shut the bathroom door behind him he felt the noise similar to that of a broken window and the door of his room banging loudly.

He sighed when even the front door slammed, a sign that his mother had left the house.

This was a scene that was repeated often in the house recently Orihara; Izaya would never have admitted to being in the wrong, but equally could not stand the ways of her mother, she hated the woman as called him, was unable to keep him in line ... he was born there was a time that was taken from her. It was just a parent incompetent he could not absolutely nothing to do with it.

Since then he had begun to share the concerns of his mother for him with hypocrisy, or more just imagine doing otherwise.

"Iza-nii! What have you again? "Mairu the resumed as usual, she seemed a woman of the house closest to the role of mother, although it was smaller than him.

The boy ignored her completely entering the room to get a clean shirt. The mirror that was usually placed beside the front door lying on the ground broken up into several pieces.

"But who was to do all this mess," asked the frightened little girl with pigtails, Izaya shrugged and directed a look mild "It 's been your mother."

"Izaya, you're just an idiot," exclaimed all of a sudden Mairu, throwing a well-aimed kick in the shins ; Izaya just looked at me pretending to be offended.

"Why should I be the idiot? If I told you that she has been to combine this mess, "he replied promptly, but the girl ignored him," I Kururi and daughters are not perfect, but at least we try to be respectful of our parents. You should learn to do the same. "

gaze Mairu in glasses was very severe but the boy shook his head," Never mind then ... I thought we had already spoken. "

"Mommy loves you, you can pretend to show what you want ... but I know that you love her too."

Izaya let out an amused laugh, slightly irritated turned to her sister.

"It is not my mother, we are too different to be relatives. From one point of view is as if I had left. "

squeezed his fists, with probably excessive force as he began to feel a slight shake their way through the hands. Without another word dodged his sister and left the house.

The flight was the best solution in those moments, not definitive, but it was useful. At the bottom in his family was rather a method used by all, posing as normal as a family while it was quite rare that they were all sat together at lunch.

hated the false family, more than anything else, just as he hated the way his temper was poured on his sisters.

Instinctively, she found herself walking in the center of Ikebukuro, with his hands in his pockets and looking down, walked quickly without even going to crash into the crowd that came across the street.

"Hey fly!"

[Continue ...]

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Heat Absorption Material

Heavy Rain

When I got off the plane I looked around, the terminal was more normal in the world: Check in, Check out, please raise your arms, has the belt with metal buckle ? well, passes well and good luck. Welcome to Sexy
City. Fucking name. I climbed the first free taxi and I left lead to the motel in the city, the house seemed to Larry Flynt, bitches that kicking zompettavano from room to room, distinguished gentlemen with bulging wallets as their underwear, anime Paing that burned in the bathroom, secretly. What is bad casting the trick at the party. An orgiastic goviglio disappointment, inconsistencies, desires and greed. That's what this city, a maze more and more black as we enter you. When you let yourself get carried away with it drags you down, muffled by a sweet fall boobs, thighs and lips that will cannibalize without you realize.
But not me. Not me. I arrived and I hit. I have carved a niche for kicks, fists and hissing lead. I shed blood in this city. Blood not mine. Again. Some have died, those who are not dead are rotting in prison, and with them a piece of me, This is hell. When rubbing the wall to see the button is made of organic matter. Wet and skinny, smelling of decay and closed.

It 's my personal hell and I am here serving my sins.
I decided that I try to write again. Happy?


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Nadine Jansen Hardcoe

carefully. Content is not for children

Annex to post about 1000 kcal

carefully. Naked aunt. This is not porn, and aesthetic atlas for reference in many
talk about the "beautiful-ugly", and also to allow some (;-)) to utter:
"Fotozhop", "Anorexia," "Auschwitz, Buchenwald, "Feeding them would be (hint
also recently heard the scientific and aesthetic terms" Soup collection (s) and the "curb" (from):)))

Kids and generally in the journal are rare, but here is certainly not dobredut, I hope. Yes, and nothing ugly there, under the cut, no
- about a hundred completely aesthetic photos and all:)

235.56 КБ

101.11 КБ
of modernity: Kidman: -125 - -130. In the movie «Eyes Wide Shut» She -128 (179/51).

-115 - -125

196.75 КБ
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328.05 КБ
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17.03 КБ
Twiggy from the table at the beginning. -130
Inv. № 031

61.55 КБ
Inv. № 032

27.88 КБ
Inv. № 033

91.95 КБ
Инв.№ 034

264.58 КБ
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101.19 КБ
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71.51 КБ
Moss from the table at the beginning. -125
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138.36 КБ
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280.32 КБ
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206.07 КБ
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263.06 КБ
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154.81 КБ
Инв.№ 101

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38.01 КБ
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91.03 КБ
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191.14 КБ
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109.21 КБ
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238.13 КБ
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149.26 КБ
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45.21 КБ
Inv. № 201

27.77 КБ
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On the backside of the long

190.70 КБ
Inv. № 301

89.30 КБ
Inv. № 302

135.51 КБ
Inv. № 303

168.58 КБ
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73.87 КБ
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160.61 КБ
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212.23 КБ
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On "question Signs "

144.24 КБ
Inv. № 308

61.21 КБ
Inv. № 309

119.01 КБ
Inv. № 310

53.00 КБ
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113.66 КБ
Inv. № 312

182.63 КБ
Inv. № 313

226.19 КБ
Inv. № 314

not good

151.62 КБ
Inv. № 501
Nothing can be done, we must take something else - Cleanliness and smoothness of the skin or, say, that is wrapped in a newspaper ...

151.05 КБ
Inv. № 502
Teltschik This is still better drape

30.98 КБ
Inv. № 503
Such legs look much nicer in jeans:)

240.10 КБ
Inv. № 504
Such breast better support the bust

166.63 КБ
Inv. № 505
Such foot is better out of the shoe does not remove ...