Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Basketball Warm-up Songs

the point

Ok. Maybe we are. Let me recheck
: Shalke social center with Whyatt, Lewis (renamed slap from here until the end of time) stuck to the ass of journalists to drive them where we want it to go, Strongale university. The results of the letter should reach out by the hour. There are, we are operating, we are on the piece.

And I'm drunk at the office. Already in the office. Even at home, clinging to an electric stove as if it were my wife, damn you central heating. I live watching the fucking cork board, clearing your throat just because I do not know what to say. I do not know to whom. yesterday I went around the city, holed up in this cold house holds a lot of people, better for me. I slipped through the streets and alleys astride a dodge, that gives us the department, until you get to a place called fucking Ugly Doll House . Guess what? a brothel. Who knows why I did that strange effect. Neon pink and red, red lights from the windows, no shame for the merchandise. Christ that shit. Even more shit that pervades, not effect me. None. Once my conduct could have been as well jump in feet pushing back his chair and screaming for attention. The truth is that it starts to give a damn no more shit. Of the people, their colleagues, of the child. I turned, posed questions, stuck his nose. Drinking. Nothing could be done, I'm back in the office to finish the job with the red label that I left behind, in the archives, close to the pills. This place will kill me. Fuck, kill me.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oakley Frames Dimensions

turner_journal @ 2010-01-11T16:20:00

What mine is mine.
not accept any kind of conisglio or duress, I was assigned a survey? will complete that investigation. I had to die there. I refer to a couple of nights ago when boobs, Strongale, I was surprised at the office. He began with pleasantries, with kindness, brainstorming.
Fuck brainstorm. He began to opine on the methods, he did not want violence to Zen, who had a dear friend. Fuck. If you did linguainfica with a stripper I do not care, do not try to get in my way lady. I'm not the man. The survey is slow. Snow will bring the letter left with the university. Takes a cock in linguistics and grammar errors through the refutation will try to figure out which linguistic group they belong. I think, now I know it is not an anthropologist nor a linguist, however, that every language has some rules that adapt to a foreign language have led to recurring grammatical errors. The eastern exchange with the L, R, Slavs do not have the double, the Africans have problems with voice as the last letters, through these we can at least give us an idea about who the hell was the mother. In addition to knowing who is white. sure. Whyatt is keeping an eye on the reception center, moving them and we will informed the press, the dissemination of news is sure to bring his mother to go to at least take a look. Fuck if she's a mother ... will. Hoping is not already dead. Li

I fuck them. curse.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Dujin My Wife Fee Online


Gift of
Bach - St.John Passion - Werner (1958)
APE + CUE, 2 CD , 721
Original rip

Offenbach - Beautiful Helen (86, Lentelefilm) - MP4
The computer can only look at the attached player. To view the run file MP4DVD.EXE
not seen definitely worth a look :). A wonderful version of the Trojan War history:). Glyukovy Paris with Helen and Ivan Vasilyevich rest:))
Sing Volkov and Pluzhnikov.

Mozart - Piano Concertos Nos.22 & 23 - Brendel, Marriner (Philips)
APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 228
This particular - as an example - threw here, just maybe someone more interesting.
Generally, it is of fillipsovskogo MSS Mozart.
Example gag Brendel. Particularly noteworthy part 2 23rd concert (he is something more than anyone else gets in general). All reprise perekorezhil. A Chopiniana after the pizzicato string just breaks :))). It is generally used, and nothing, but you have to write then: Mozart-Brendel, and certainly not in the MSS, which I think in the first place should reflect the composer, rather than creative artists delights:)

Wolfgang Schneiderhan - The 1950s Concerto Recordings (DG)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 5 CD , 1260

Bach - Goldberg Variations - Gould (1955, Sony)
APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 163
Bach - Goldberg Variations - Gould, Zenph Re-Performance 1955 (2006, Sony)
APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 200
This is the request - as A machine tracing Executive
Two versions: standard stereo and binaural.

Vivaldi - Violin Concertos - Accardo, I Solisti di Napoli (EMI)
APE + CUE + COVERS, a CD , 220

Beethoven - The Ninth - Schmidt-Isserstedt (1965) - NRG , MDS
This CD - a true masterpiece of Microsoft - the first jewel of the entire series of Microsoft Home ...
Disc Combo and is a complete high-quality audio recording and can listen to the symphony as a regular CD, and also contains a detailed analysis of the symphony with notes and MIDI-examples, in sync with audio. Ie all comments (and there are more than 300 screens, containing about 3000 text boxes) occur synchronously with the execution. Also on the disc there are lots of related information, in particular, detailed information on the history of music, instrumentovedeniyu, musical form and specifically the sonata form (in each section over a hundred screens), and even play on the theme.
Author disc - known muzykoznavets and educator Winter.
great happiness для всех нас, что Винтер выбрал для этой цели именно эту интерпретацию, поразительно цельную и прозрачную, несмотря на почтенный возраст (запись 65-го года)...
disc set in 1991, but it works with all operating systems including Windows 7.
This is an image format Nero (. Nrg) and Alcohol (. Mds). Unfortunately, the disc being mounted on a virtual device, in general, does not work, so you'll burn it to CD (open in Nero Burning ROM or Alcohol and record by default).
This CD once laid out in the community respected
a_n_t at my request (previously I also lecturing this disc in the community, but it was significantly damaged - if someone took mine, but have not seen a_n_t -s, perevozmite).

Friday, January 1, 2010

Racquetball Free Clipart

Gifts dgastis. Fashism

Last update 13.01.10
External Post - dgastis

Fasch - Dresden Overtures, Sinfonias & Concertos - Remy (2008)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 1 CD , 411

Fаsch, Grаupner - Bassoon Concеrtos - Tоgnon, Nеmeth
APE + CUE + COVERS, 1 CD, 218

Fasch - Orchestral music - Tempesta di Mare, Philadelphia (08, Chandos)
APE + CUE + COVERS, 1 CD, 317

Fasch - Concerto & Overtures - Julia Schroeder (09, DHM)

Fasch - Concertos & Sinfonies - Main-Barockorchester Frankfurt (03)

Fasch - Orchestral Suites - Nemeth (99)

Fasch - Overture, Concertos - La Stravaganza Koln (02, CPO)

Fasch - Trios & Sonatas - Epoca Barroca (07, CPO)

Auto Update from dgastis
Fasch - Passio Jesu Christi FWV F:1, FWV K:d5 - Terey-Smith (06, Naxos)

Fasch, Heinichen, Graun etc - Deutsche Fruehklassik - Cappella Coloniensis
APE+CUE, 1 CD , 268