Monday, January 11, 2010

Oakley Frames Dimensions

turner_journal @ 2010-01-11T16:20:00

What mine is mine.
not accept any kind of conisglio or duress, I was assigned a survey? will complete that investigation. I had to die there. I refer to a couple of nights ago when boobs, Strongale, I was surprised at the office. He began with pleasantries, with kindness, brainstorming.
Fuck brainstorm. He began to opine on the methods, he did not want violence to Zen, who had a dear friend. Fuck. If you did linguainfica with a stripper I do not care, do not try to get in my way lady. I'm not the man. The survey is slow. Snow will bring the letter left with the university. Takes a cock in linguistics and grammar errors through the refutation will try to figure out which linguistic group they belong. I think, now I know it is not an anthropologist nor a linguist, however, that every language has some rules that adapt to a foreign language have led to recurring grammatical errors. The eastern exchange with the L, R, Slavs do not have the double, the Africans have problems with voice as the last letters, through these we can at least give us an idea about who the hell was the mother. In addition to knowing who is white. sure. Whyatt is keeping an eye on the reception center, moving them and we will informed the press, the dissemination of news is sure to bring his mother to go to at least take a look. Fuck if she's a mother ... will. Hoping is not already dead. Li

I fuck them. curse.


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