Monday, February 1, 2010

Record Demo Propellerhead

tips for beginners dishwasher

tips for beginners dishwasher
(How competently do the dishes)

Criterion: after washing dishes at should not be anything but the most cookware - what was on it at the moment Output from production.
well. beautiful;
b. food debris and continue to oxidize the products of this oxidation is incomparably pests than all food additives, nitrites and nitrates, and bacteria combined. In addition, while food remains not completely dried out (and in the remnants of fat - doooolgo) in them properly functioning organisms. After drying the microbes that are killed but the toxins they have tried and tested, and if they are modified over time, then only in the direction of increasing toxicity. One gram of toxin could kill botulinusa polpitera - no poison, man-made and close can not compete with bacterial toxins. On the floor is possible, but from the dirty dishes - no. In my opinion, a sharp increase in life expectancy compared with age-old Temporary and wild people, despite the terrible harm food additives, preservatives and allegedly corrupt environment, must first of all exclusion precisely this factor, due to hygiene and reducing the share of home cooking in favor of the factory (as a cleaner)

(to the extent minimally needs to be properly dishwasher).
Utensils made of porcelain, earthenware, glass and crystal. Porcelain is made primarily from white clay - kaolin with subsequent high-temperature sintering (1300-1500, with porcelain greatly softened almost to the melting point and is hygroscopic). He covered both usually thin and transparent glaze (ie glass). Because during the glaze firing drains on the stand, each piece of porcelain has certainly polished edge (as in this case required subsequent cleanup) - or bottom, or top edge - Matt and devoid of frosting. In a thin layer of translucent porcelain to light. Earthenware is made from different kinds of clay, including from the kaolin, but fired at a lower temperature, thus it is less dense, porous and less durable and therefore more fat, no white and opaque, so it is always covered with an opaque glaze (white or color). Firing pottery because of more низкой температуры обычно производится с размещением изделий на металлических поддонах с иглами (каждое ставится на три иголки, следы от которых можно наблюдать on the bottom), resulting in polished edge they have not. Sometimes faience (usually, mugs, for example branded mugs Nescafe) also have a polished edge - Then it can be seen that the body products are not pure white and not dense, ie it is earthenware.
Corollary: If the glaze on the porcelain bowl is broken (cracked or due to cleavage), sooner or later, inside the product penetrates the contents of cookware and stain it with icing. Wash a dish to an ideal state is impossible. Earthenware with a damaged coating, as well as having a chipped, it is undesirable to wash chromate as chromium ions are strongly adsorbed to the surface faience, and do not wash them out to the end. And they are at best not useful:).
Crystal is different from the glass in the presence of lead dioxide (up to 70% more lead dioxide, the transparent crystal is heavier and more beautiful). It (the carbon dioxide it) significantly soluble in water, especially hot, so it is only necessary to wash crystal in warm water and soak for a long time, otherwise it is leached and dims.
gold, usually decorated with only the porcelain and it almost always overglaze. Gilding is a thin shiny layer of pure gold, formed from zolotilnoy liquid (solution geksahloaurata, usually) during firing. Gold is soft, easily scratched and washed with washing abrasives and harsh side Combined sponge - with caution. The composition of zolotilnoy fluid matte gilding additionally include fine powder of gold, so a layer of gold plating is a much thicker (5-6 times) - it can not stand on ceremony, especially (Within reason, of course):).

Bad thing, of course, simple enough. Take it and mine:). But the hand break off, usually not desirable. If the urgency No, best to wash (or more precisely, to launder their "zamytuyu") dishes by soaking in a large container with warm water, which dissolved a small amount of detergent powder (one-third cup per 10 liters). Two or three days, usually enough for all the age-old pollution dissolved or softened, all the labels on cans become detached etc. After that, easily enough to wipe the product with a sponge soaked in Fairy, and rinse. Criterion of purity of dishes - no drops. Glass and porcelain is well wetted with water, so to really clean utensils water flows down a thin film without forming droplets. Dries it several times faster. The exceptions are Products covered with mother of pearl glaze, as well as various organosilicon water repellent coating (Banks only). To crystal and china really are brought to its original, pristine beauty, dishes definitely need to wipe. Wipes should be used svezhevystirannoe and carefully vypoloschennoe towel the size of the long side of not less than a meter are not used to dry hands and particularly the face (very oily and dirty body parts, which are also the worst wash). Best waffle. Wipe the cup, bowl or glass to be as long as the towel will not slide on it without much effort. In this case, wine glasses and other transparent products leaves no lint, which is usually referred to nelyubiteli wiping :). Do it best immediately after washing, since the dish has dried up, even if it is washed by the Neva and Ladoga soft water, quickly formed a raid, which have been mechanically washed with a towel, which requires tangible efforts.
Crystal faceted dishes should be cleaned with trying not to leave moisture in any deeper - only then it will play as intended:)
narrow-necked vases and jars, too, need to wipe the inside, for which the edge of towel curls and push through the neck to fill the entire internal volume of the tourniquet and then turning it up until he starts moving free.
How important is it to wipe the dishes (not only the crystal - and china and earthenware as well), we can see, after washing two identical plates or glass jars and leave one of them dry, and another to wipe as described above, and then look at them under bright light:)

severe cases.
Dishes, again washed well, in what is easily cleaned with a sponge and soap. If the debts of the former in an ugly use of the dishes are still not able to wash soaking for a week have to use chemicals.
most effective tool that can clean up any contamination of the most inaccessible places on the dishes of glass or porcelain - a mixture of chrome. Chromic mixture - this is an acid solution of chromic anhydride, usually by dissolving potassium bichromate (potassium dichromate) in sulfuric acid (battery electrolyte is fine) to saturation (so that part remained insoluble potassium bichromate). After washing the dishes chromate simply rinse (without the use of detergents, rather, they are even desirable to use, since in the acidic environment of soap hydrolyzed to form fat that accumulates on the product). It is obvious that once a mixture of chromic launder any contamination, it is very aggressive fluid that has a destructive effect any organic items, in particular hands. Only gloves! Only with appropriate precautions and having an open alert pack of soda in case kapnet. Better in the bath (directly on the bottom of the tub) with the current parallel to the sink with water. Store chromium blend better in the thick plastic bottles, as glass bottles, falling to one side, even on linoleum may break due to the large proportion of sulfuric acid. More more efficient nitrate chromium compound, but it is better not to chemists do not use it (better not strongly). Cutlery (metal products) chrome mixture is better not to wash. Silver and Melchor - absolutely not! Gilding is also appreciably soluble in it, so long to put the dishes with gold-plated in chrome mixture can not be - better to just dip, rinse, and if treatment is inadequate, repeat the same until now.
nasty plaque from tea, appearing on porcelain and earthenware, the former long-hand, which glaze has set mikrotsarapin (due to the barbaric meshaniya sugar "with the ringing") as well as cups, having polished the upper edge of which coffee and tea stain tightly, especially at the low-temperature porcelain, wash in the usual way quite difficult. Chromic mixture, of course, takes away anything, but it is better to use as a last resort. Well removes plaque tea (including of microcracks and from the body of porcelain on the thin section, as well as all cutlery, stainless steel), bleach "White", sold for a penny in any hoz.mage and large grocery stores. Proper "White" is a hypochlorite solution (40-70 g / l) and sodium hydroxide (10-20 g / l) in water. But often on sale is just the solution sodium hypochlorite, which is significantly less effective. In this case, it is better to flavor with sodium hydroxide, which can be bought at the store chemicals, hoz.mage (Caustic soda) or ask your friend the chemist:). The active principle "whiteness" - chlorine, so deal with it, too, need a gloves (sodium hydroxide addition spoils the skin and nails) and mask (it stinks, really - in a well ventilated area):)). Chlorine is also dissolves the gold, so the dishes with gilding entirely in the solution is better not to dive, and handle the tampon forceps clamped to the stainless steel (surgical better with teeth) to achieve the effect, then immediately rinse in water or wash with soap and water as usual. Most varieties of stainless steel is resistant to the "whiteness" so spoon can be soaked in bulk. Silver and nickel silver (which table is always covered with a layer of pure silver, and therefore in this case, the same thing) to wash in "whiteness" categorically not - chlorine eats money even better chromium mixture.

Silverware, if it is heavily black, you can remove the special agent (ammonium suspension of chalk, and you can make a gruel of tooth powder in liquid ammonia), then polish with a paste "GOI" and wash sponge with soap and wiping mandatory. Silver is soft, so it leaves traces on the rigid part of the composite sponges even when light pressure. The correct table Silver must have a high luster. That it is not getting dark, you should store it in airtight containers (rather high banks with a standard metal screw cap, for tea, coffee and most of the dessert spoons and forks, and forks for the lemon, suitable glass jars out of the coffee Nescafe). Darkening Silver sulfide is intensively released by the eggs, as well as people suffering from increased sweating, and gas evolution, so such better keep away from the silverware:). Unfortunately, the eggs from okroshka or Salad (the more eggs) are not removed, so the brown coating appears for silverware even after a single application. It is better immediately after washing to remove mild polishing paste "GOI" - fresh it is removed easily and without much wear the device. "Vintage" (mature) layer of silver sulfide is best to remove ammonia - it restores the silver. Mel is (powder, toothpaste, etc.) - this is an abrasive - he just skinned sulfide together with a layer of silver. And he was thin. And still then need polishing ... From nevonyuchih nonaggressive tools are good enough concoctions of potatoes, pasta and other starch-containing foods, as well as a hot solution of soda and salt, but they need silverware soak for a while (half hour).

Update: recently met a friend who had seen a month ago, and opupel - 5 years younger! Completely clean, soft and smooth face without a hint of wrinkles (and the case is already the 40-ka), not to mention the pimples, pimples on the forehead, etc., which she actually is and it was not. Naturally, I ask that in the case:). It turns out, read this post, drew attention to the line: "was not used to dry hands and especially the face (very greasy and dirty parts of the body, which is also the worst wash) "and just become a face wash with soap and water, abolishing all other means of care a:)))


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