Monday, March 1, 2010

Oreck Vacuum And Frieze Carpet

Addition: drown oil

drown Oil

Theory (to the extent necessary competent cook) and justification.
purity substances and food is often underestimated ... Between so, anyone had tried to use for drinking and cooking, say, only distilled water, the maximum a couple of weeks clearly feel the difference in their own skin, and quite literally - the skin becomes clean, smooth and velvety, whites of the eyes unusually white and so on, and the like Besides ...
Still remember the time when the film was treated at home alone, will recall and shelf processing solutions - not more than months without drinking. Being well prepared in distilled water from pure chemicals (not any special-sound, but simply well-purified, for example, twice recrystallized), the same standard solutions are completely colorless (without exception, the chemicals included in the manufacturing fotorastvorov, pure colorless) transparent and stored in an airtight container for years (up to 10 years - I myself have produced such a lengthy experiment), without changing the properties.
Fragile and very soluble even in weak acids like vinegar, zinc, being cleaned up to the content of the basic substance is 99,999% of plastic as gold and does not react even with aqua regia.
examples in this spirit can be a long drive ...
argument for those who strongly cares about his health: in contrast to plant oil and butter ("wet" oil that is), frying in melted butter and peroxide are not formed oligomers (all animals are saturated fatty acids, are not double bonds, and there's just nothing to cure and sour excessively, but due to lack of water - hydrolysed), which are known to be carcinogenic.

now actually about oil.
fats on their own - a very persistent chemical compounds. As with most other organic substances (and the majority of inorganic too), the fats are two main enemies: water and oxygen. That's because cereal is not stored for more than 2 years (and containing the greatest amount of fat - Millet, for example - only six months, the maximum per year) that rancid is always present in their fat, adjacent to the moisture, which completely removed by drying impossible, and from the air cereals do not hide. If desired, prepare ghee in store (and it is dreary and the operation is naturally better to do it less often) have the maximum release of butter from the water dissolved in it. Ideally, a good oil to overtake under reduced pressure so that it boiled at a temperature of 100-110 degrees - This product is guaranteed not to lose consumer qualities of not less than 10 years, but at home it is almost impossible.

therefore do the following (part of the recommendations without further explanation of why one or the other - so as not to clutter):
well. buy 4.2 kilograms of Finnish kisloslivochnogo 82% strength of the Finnish oil production (for example, "Valio", the Finnish oil domestic production, such as "Seven Lakes", and so is worse and is usually more expensive) in larger packages (best polukilogrammovye), but not by weight. Immediately, the day of purchase free from packaging and placed in a suitable pan, if possible with a Teflon-coated (and then have to be cleaned);
b. melt and bring to a boil, and then subtracts the fire so that the oil was boiling without spray (visual type of the surface of Solaris in the same domestic film). We have a task to remove 16-17% moisture and curd. If desired, you can make foam off into a separate bowl (many people love - is albumin, milk sugar - say, like the ice cream when cool, and I have not tried). If the ice cream is the hunters no foam, it is better not to shoot - it comes off, and a sizeable amount of oil.
in. at some point in the whole curd settles on the bottom, seal and oil will be transparent, and release of bubbles drastically reduced. Since then, should not depart from the pan and carefully watch all the time, reduce the heat so that the release of bubbles from the bottom occurred very sparingly, without swelling the oil surface. As you remove the residual moisture layer of cheese on the bottom begins to gold - the fire should be more reduce how much patience allows. Between the moment when all the water boils away and the start of boiling oil actually has a tangible gap, since the difference these temperatures is a few tens of degrees and it takes time to heat. Here in this period and we should remove the pan. If overheated, the oil will be dark;
, the oil will certainly be filtered. Better do it soon, because as cool its viscosity increases significantly and filtering slows to a crawl. If you hesitated and the oil was thicken, a little better again heat it until transparent. Filter should be after 4 layers of gauze or bandage. In as a funnel, you can use cut off from the plastic bottle with a neck portion. If you pour directly into the container where the oil will be stored (the best entire half-liter cans with tight Wide screw cap), it is best to do it alone, because to drain oil from the pan without spilling it while controlling the level of the package is quite difficult. Drain the oil from the pan with a straight edge without spilling a drop, you can use as a conductor spoon or a fork with a long handle, dropping one end into the funnel, and the middle or slightly above touching the edge of the pan. Alone is better to pour oil ladle. Containers should be clean and dry (better clean up the banks just before and wipe them dry inside as stated in the manual for sudomoek:)

Oil thus prepared, should be light or bright yellow and in a sealed container can be guaranteed to be stored at room temperature less than 2 years, and in the fridge - 5.
However, it should be ready for the unexpected increase in weight by 3-5 pounds in a short time ;-)
Obviously, solely due to the consumption of healthy products:))

Supplement to complement, in case anyone interested in the process of getting clean water (Quote from a children's book):



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