Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Phots Of Curtains At The Door Of Rooms

1,000 kilocalories. Continued

1000 kcal vs fasting

It is a therapeutic, ie, sufficiently prolonged fasting - 10 days or more. 1-2-day, up to a week, I look just like unloading - almost no sense, and suffering - the car.
With deep starvation, in addition to weight loss is really going on general health of the body. I do not know about "slags" (what a slag, one to someone not known - none charlatan on nutrition does not specify what kind of slag (by the way, do not know that not only I but also academic Amos (do not know already, to the coolant.)), and all the excess body Of course, begins to utilize - hunger is not my aunt:). But what a price! For the body is certainly extreme, stress. Almost simultaneously he suddenly has to use of all reserves and spend them very intensively. And naturally, the most intense flow starts to thumb the nature of the track - From the natural fat depots (remembered above) - is due to the urgency, is uneven - hence easier to grab, and this may appear even the so-called "Hungry cellulite" from which it is very difficult to get rid ... "Second-level cache" the same - glycogen in the liver and the fat that has greatly different of surface structure (it is enough to recall how different the snow-white low-melting lard on lard), keeps the body on the blackest day and he begins to spend significantly but only after three weeks of complete starvation ... In extreme sports body is not up to everyday problems, such as repair of muscle proteins or sex there ... - It is all busy processing fat so it needs energy, so deep to bring the body back to normal does not happen - not to steroids :))).
As a result, was hypertensive or sklerotikom, so he'll stay. Sharp as a weight loss leads to sagging skin (terrible to look after 3-week and more), but it begins to relax, man, Dorval, again gaining weight and it stretches. And is not rubber, come ...
At 1000 calories a person not only in harmony losing or gaining weight, but also because of changes in the composition of food consumed in favor of structural (protein) component (this happens automatically - by 1000 many fat cakes or not naesh:)))) begins to consume unhealthy supplies, such as visceral fat, oppressive power of the internal organs (heart, kidney) and cholesterol plaques in blood vessels - the hormones of the adrenal cortex, in particular, all the sex hormones, and glucocorticoids (responsible for carbohydrate and fat metabolism) and mineralkortikoidy (Water-salt metabolism), unlike all the others are non-protein nature (are steroids) and synthesized by the body from cholesterol. He also is pro-vitamin D, ie raw material for its synthesis. Why did I so much detail on these steroids - the vast majority of people a life of dissatisfaction is associated is in violation of their exchange. Besides the obvious atherosclerosis and sexual dysfunction, the body is obliged him swollen, unhealthy and very unaesthetic pigmentation disorders of the kidneys and digestive tract ... I think that the main advantage of this technology is precisely the normalization of life cholesterol metabolism, any other way are not amenable any effective recovery ...
Due to lack of carbohydrates, decreases glycogen reserve gruzyaschy liver and tearing it from the main purpose - to clean the blood. Organism, receiving long-term stable and fixed снабжение, расслабляется и перестает накапливать избыточные припасы, а главное - оставшиеся становятся динамическими, постоянно обновляемыми.
В результате cores in one year often refuse absolutely necessary before nitroglycerin (the need to receive which, once having appeared, is lifetime). Diabetics are not running in the cases can also count on the almost complete restoration of pancreatic function - stopped receiving the brain in unhealthy doses of glucose, although it is slowly (3-4 years to complete) can be recovered, since the consumption of sugar, even the most inveterate sweet tooth drastically reduced for the same reason that fat.
The same goes for all sorts of allergies, as food additives, and on non-food allergens - feathers, fur, pollen etc.

vs 1000 kcal diet

Diet, as is obvious from most representative surveys (in the above as an example involved almost 113,000 people) just fun:). When the cat has nothing to do, he begins ...
Any diet - is violence. Any restriction of freedom, even if initiated by a high-end, heavy experienced by most people and adversely affects the mental and emotional condition, up to the development of stress and depression ...
This reduces any diet to the level of the campaign, ie, something obviously short.
Neither of which recovery can be no speeches - just reset the weight ...

About supplements

Somehow, most of all there screaming about an exciting product, making each dish is incomparably more attractive, glutamate (or glutamate, that correctly) of sodium. It is the sodium salt of glutamic acid - one of 20 amino acids that comprise proteins, without exception, all living beings on earth. Ie the most that neither is a natural product. And as for what he poroshochkom, so we're not chewing cane or beets, if you want sweet coffee and chew the seeds sunflower, if we want to flavor salad drop of vegetable oil ...
Intense yellow spice is due, usually, riboflavin (vitamin B2 that is), especially added as a dye (also known as attaches, and the characteristic odor of "chemistry" (razgryzite Vitaminka and smell):)))) - well, beautiful as when the little yellow! :)
Dyes (E1HH) is now virtually all the "nature identical" (ie, just cleared of debris):).
Preservatives (E2HH) is now also used predominantly natural (usually, sorbic acid), but if not, then what? Think about, it's better if you lightly podtuhshee (which is already "worked" our brothers much less )?... Because timing of the product without conservation is very small (in particular, ground beef - not more than 6 hours on sanitary standards - not in the fridge until morning to leave, not even counting transportation time and lying in the store; and often leave ...).
The same is true of antioxidants (E3HH), stabilizers (E4HH) emulsifiers (E5HH) - "A what?":). Really enjoyable crumbling sausage or mayonnaise Exfoliating?
not clear to me and principled aversion to canned food. Is it possible to eat cooked immediately after slaughter (or catches if fish) and tightly packed in a meat factory, or directly on a fishing boat much worse than to lie on the counter, trampled by flies and soak in the refrigerator? ...
shelf life of meat and canned vegetables is not determined preservation of the content and durability of packaging (and therefore in the glass these terms vpoltora more than usual, as corrodes only cover, while tin cans are more critical in this respect, joint). For the same reason it was not recommended to leave permanently open jars (previously they were tinned (coated tin layer) inside, and it is extensively corroded in the presence of air). Currently, tin cans covered in polymer lacquers, and they You can leave the product without shifting. Generally in good condition (dry cold), canned meats can be stored for decades. Detection of modern expeditions to the canned food warehouses, abandoned Arctic conquerors in the century before, were quite edible:)
Canned better over this period are not stored. Milk (sweetened condensed milk and cream) - just can not.

At 1000 kcal consumption is reduced at times, and you can afford currently the best, if not to put yourself in passing and plyushkinisticheskie goal:). On the other hand, the need to save, say, to work less and longer here, there are endless possibilities:). Expenditure on food can dramatically reduce not only at the expense of health, but with great benefit to him. 1000 kcal, this is still very little ... Body begins to operate as efficiently as possible, making a good any city automatically removes all restrictions on food. Diabetics, as has been said - Eat you this sugar is how much you want - on the 1000 is not very razverneshsya, many other things you want:). The same applies to alcohol:). 100g brandy - Is 240 calories, dessert wines - not much less ... So there - drink as much as you want! But somehow automatically anything that she is becoming less and less :))). Without ceremony can non-violently alcoholic make a normal person:). You can use the cheapest and yet tasty foods - say, some eggs eat - no scrofula, even months just to ...
If you want the cost of a meal can be as low as 1000r per person ... Then, with a budget in 5000 (if the caretaker or cleaner, or simply no desire to "die on the job"), you can buy a monthly polutoraterabaytny screw and do not moan about the infamous hard disk space, or loving my girl "pure, sincere love" (c), to give her for the holidays is something decent and not whine, "no money nor a chocolate bar or a small piece of candy" ((c) Ugh!), If a student:)

This is a continuation



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