Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What Colour Do Monks Wear

1,000 kilocalories. End

Say what you like and are accustomed to eat plenty, come to the 1000 pretty hard ... It can help to further restrictions (for the purists and aesthetes uniquely reliable way),
cult, ritual. Ie literally "to make a cult out of food":)
well. only clean and dry dishes, touching hands only of bread (everything else that requires such touches, should be cooked in advance, before weighing). Separately for each product, in particular, bread - in a separate dish, soup or lentil soup - with podtarelnikom, which puts all inedible, such as bay leaves or peppers, peas (which are In fact, should be removed before serving (even yourself)) and tablespoon, if needed to free his hands. On the tablecloth, which after a meal should be net. If a drop has fallen - to wash, iron. In other words, "the art of eating - that's not the actual swallowing and eating as a meal (s):)). If was not enough to wash and wipe the dishes, and only then take a supplement. All this greatly complicates the frequent meals and at the same time creates an inner feeling terrible cultural man, significantly more than before:));
b. use pretty dishes and cutlery, rather than silver or nickel silver, which in addition to cleaning must be maintained. Laziness - do not eat:);
in. use the delicious high-calorie foods, ie, is more compact as possible food. Then the stomach decreases rapidly and becomes less demanding. Sitting on a cabbage or other vegetables in a regime not to enter - the stomach is stretched inordinate amount of low-calorie (ie, actually inedible - fiber is not digested by man), food, and sooner or later (very early, usually) will request a normal meal, but under their stretched volumes ...;
city is rare. Healthy person is perfectly normal once a day - at night. Rest of the time only to drink (beer, juice, milk, sweet tea and coffee). Obviously the same as the belly (or rather, the stomach and intestines) and head (or rather, the brain) - the competitors. And both of them - the competitors hands or feet. Therefore, pig digestion the body to produce more food during sleep, when all other users are idle, and the heart with less straining can be achieved with blood, these bodies in a horizontal position. In addition, the body with feeling, with properly, with deliberation may distribute all incoming between the operational reserve and long-term storage.
etc. there if possible the same thing. Choose the most beloved and consume it constantly, like other products simply do not. This is the most effective. Ie in terms of diversity is better "not to make a meal of worship":))

received a total of 1000 kcal per day, the body uses them as complete, so waste is generated is not enough. Mandatory daily visits to "purgatory" (a common myth) - only for the wild islanders, many zhruschih low-calorie vegetable debris into force on poverty, so that they - and hungry - such ugly bellies ...

Initially (the first year or two) it is desirable keep track of protein, fat and carbohydrates (on the packaging with any product of their content in g/100g as indicated), controlling their balance sheets. If a strong misalignment (eg, give this a thousand, mostly, with a sweet coffee) should additionally take vitamins. In general, any diet, even the budget (for 1000 rubles per month) You can make a well-balanced, but the specificity is strongly dependent on the tastes.

Due to the sharp decline in consumption, there are some problems if a person lives alone. In particular, the stick used was enough for a week, but cherstvyatinu is not desirable. Exit - to keep in the fridge and before eating your slice or three reheat in the microwave or toaster. There are now new varieties of bakery products (in St. Petersburg - is "Our sun, for example," Miche ") preserving their quality of consumer out of the refrigerator for a week and unlike American unhealthy breads (with a two-month shelf life) do not contain the controversial additive, tasty and nutritious:)

pack of oil it's best to keep in a sealed polypropylene flat cans of herring pieces, carefully washed it and putting oil on the lid as a plate, and the very bank using as cover. In the sealed container oil, freed of the package may be stored in a refrigerator month.

cans, the contents of which are too much for a single admission, should be closed tightly plastic lids from tin cans (100 and 250g) from the cheap (liver, not pistachios) Nescafe coffee (with its disuse, these caps can borrow the less discerning friends) - they are well suited to the standard tin cans with caviar, condensed milk, canned meat, etc. By the middle banks of canned fish harder to find cover, but possible. Better still canned the next day did not leave - they smell, but ...

Natural meat products do not contain carbohydrates. Altogether.

black bread in general, calorie white.

egg yolk in a seven-fold protein calorie - only in its entirety or weighed and considered separately.

Tea-coffee, of course, have a caloric value, but its record may be omitted. Spirits, if only the task to adjust the weight can be ignored - it disposed of immediately. Beer and dry wines account required. 2-liter bottle of beer - this is 1000 kcal. The same can be said about two-liter bottle of fruit juice, pepsi-coca (no light, in light - very little), or milk. If you need to quickly lose weight (5 kg / week), we can sit down for a week at two liters of something of the above. Milk, most adults are not accepted by the body and therefore relish thrown in an hour or two after the first dose, especially if immediately vlupit liter (Not before working or going to bed:))). This can be used for emergency treatment after a day perezhora to boot:). After a couple of days the body gets used and starts the normal way, and milk, so if you want for yourself the opportunity to reserve treatment, it is better to drink only milk products :).

products, reusable per day (sugar, alcohol, spices, eggs, bread, butter) is better to weigh twice in the packaging - at the beginning and end of the day, taking for calculating gross difference, but in this case they must be for personal use, of course.
Soft plastic packaging has a significant weight - it should be taken into account. Liquid also need to weigh, not measure the volume (too large error otherwise). This is especially true of vegetable oil, calories which is about 900 kcal/100g (better weigh the bottle before and after).
Calorie strongly depends not only on species but also on the type of product. You can not take into account "Fish" but "the stellate sturgeon," "Trout", "salmon" or "halibut." Caloric content of different fish species differ in the order! The least calories (and almost inedible) whiting. A more or less acceptable fish haddock the least calories. Freshwater fish in general, calorie sea.
low-calorie, but rather tasty crawfish, lobster, lobster.
Refined (free localized fat), chicken or pork calorie - kcal/100g 130-160. Pork with sprouted " and "marble" beef may have significantly higher caloric content - up to 260. High caloric value (at times more), boiled-smoked neck, brisket, pork loin due to the presence of large amounts of fat. Smoked the least calories chop.

best to establish a single, strictly fixed payment hour in which tamp balance and weighed. Weigh-in is a powerful motivating factor:)
If possible, it would be good to have a daily bath.

therapeutic dose of most drugs is reduced by half, while the maximum remains unchanged or even slightly increased. Use obvious. I personally do not have to use them at all, although I am very loyal to pharmaceuticals, as well as any chemistry at all:).

peasant intellectuals in the initial period (during an intense weight loss), it is desirable to force load himself physically for that to intermuscular fat is absorbed completely and leaves no gaps, leading to looseness. It's enough to daily:
well. push-ups 10-20 times (all lying on the floor and fully extended hands pushed out position);
b. 15-20 "press back (to sit on a stool, to fix the legs (tucked under the sofa, for example) and from touching the floor before laying his head shoulders to his knees his hands crossed on his chest or fixed along the torso);
in. 40-100 deep squats (sit down on the heel, without lifting them off the floor and completely straightening feet when standing up) without stopping. For all the "nekrutosti and unaesthetic this kind of exercise, it is most efficient load and heart, and sharply enhances the ability of the lungs to absorb oxygen, so frail and who have any physical defects, and cool smokers (more than 40-50 cigarettes per day) should be started with caution, trying, however, gradually improve the result, preventing reduction.
this complex is quite enough, if a daily basis.
Sports guys can additionally squat on one leg (10-20 sit-ups each). This load is almost twice faster arrival of the body to normal.

Women from all the above is useful only to the press back. The rest, in my view, even desirable. Musculature of women is almost devoid of functional intermuscular fat and beautiful when it is smooth and has a radius of curvature, estimated parameters (of the peasants - a fraction of these radii - centimeters).
sat on one leg, most women can not even stand up once, and then a couple of days will podgibatsya leg while running down the stairs. Better not try :))).

This is the end


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