Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ikusa Otome Suviastreaming


my facebook is not a diary and writing down what I would like to leave my memory. And in this piggy bank will put only the most interesting. And the whining about health, domestic turmoil, and other age-related shit I will not waste time. Or
establishments separate blog and not tell anyone where he is!

Friday SA had to work in the Milan office, and I must was to "kill" until the evening time. Before dinner walk together. I showed him my favorite red-brick church.

Romanesque San Simplichano. I've always looked at it outside: here in the spring:

with S. looked inside and did not regret it. And at the far end of the saw stunning colors of the mural. Thanks to the internet. This Borgognone "Crowning of the Virgin 20 years after Taytsnoy Supper by Leonardo.

File:7341 - Milano - San Simpliciano - Affresco del Bergognone nel catino absidale - Foto Giovanni Dall'Orto - 25-mar-2007.jpg

I wanted to go to the Palazzo Reale to the exhibition Dalí. Having my Loved the Brera district and going to the Duomo saw:

This is an unusual opportunity to see all of my favorite paintings of Caravaggio.

I remember 2008 in March We, together with N. went to Rome. Our favorite Rakele was to become a nun.
Natasha flew in from Geneva, and I train from Milan. I was happy to spend time with my daughter. That's when we almost 2 days devoted to the fact that bypassed all the churches and museums where the paintings of Caravaggio.

And then just a unique opportunity see them in one place. certainly no museum could not implement such a plan and take pictures from Rome, Milan, Genoa, San Petersburg, Berlin, New York, Malta, Messina, Naples, Vienna.
And thanks to new technology (do not ask how) the impression that the script in front of you.
and another for the exhibition led "by the artist himself." Actors played the role of Caravaggio, who talked about his life, about the plot, about the history of painting their models, customer paintings.
I love it!

Red Wineheart Palpitations


marks the twenty years of our lives in Italy!
is half conscious life. Time during which the children have grown. We have released them from home, from home, which was bought, furnished and sold.
Coincidentally, yesterday we went to Pavia to F and celebrate together this event. As always all I remember. S. erased out of my head, G. remembered for a good cause. He was then 2.5 months.

And I remember every minute detail.
Wild terrible 1990. Terrible winter. Empty store shelves. Totally confused people. My heroic mother trying to get me out of postpartum depression (as I crushed the dishes on the floor!), in which a wild horror I was seeing how each day he became worse: the face is covered with scabs on his cheeks crimson from the terrible wounds diathesis.
We N.po evening we go by tram in Sokolniki in Italian lessons. Trams go bad. It gets dark early. People are killed on the street because of the bullshit. When we arrive home in the corridor we met my mother rounded on the unbearable fear of eyes and roaring, at the hands.

And then we got an exit visa to Italy, a tourist. And in the Italian embassy issued a visa to be reunited with his family. Well. it was written in Italian and at the border it is not noticed.

Then in Moscow were fearful of frost. G. wrapped in a quilt, tied two blue ribbons kapron. How fortunate that the French pharmacy in Pervomaiskaya we bought disposable diapers, a rescue! Loaded the pram (I wrote about it before), took the Russian textbooks N. and flew to Italy.
During the landing, he became orat.Mne nothing to do but to reassure him grudyu.Passazhiry came out with emotion and stared at me. I'm wildly shy nervous. It was time to go, but I could not tear G. weaning. later still, somehow obvernuv his blanket, we picked up N. latest came from the aircraft.
N. found a truck, got baggage, cargo carriage. And she was only 9 years old!

Terrified S. met us in Malpensa with his friend Carlo. AN joy to see after 10 months separation dad dropped her backpack, where he was Armenian brandy.

We traveled to Milan, I looked out the window and wondered otherness bleak landscape with generally accepted in our representation of the Italian image. Some gray shell mills, faceless house. I still could not believe what I was able to arrange all visas, buy tickets for my family all together. It happened.
The car smelled strongly cognac.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Marriage Invitation Matter In Tamil

Zinaida Serebryakova

The house Nashchokina quits show Serebryakova.
This article a photo picture that I liked. It was impossible to photograph, I ukratkoy did it, but not entirely successful.

love this artist, I have a long time. Love for its realism, warmth and sincerity. Love for the meek eyes, warm the body, the purity of her naked.
seems at the Tretyakov Gallery is very, very long ago was her show. There are exhibited her paintings of cartoons for the Kazan railway station. Such powerful Mikelanzhelovskie aunt.
Later in the same Naschokinskom was an exhibition of her paintings. I first wrote the book reviews his indignation. In the halls silently hung the painting. At this time, but the film Life Serebrya submitted letters. It's great documents.
They can be read as an interesting book. conversations with famous other relative: Benoit, Lanceray. Letters to her husband. Later in Paris, children and mother.
Serebryakov is not perceived by Picasso, Matisse and Degas but loved.

I waited for the exhibition will its French operation, which she earned a living. After all, the exhibition not only to the 125 th anniversary, but it goes under the banner year in France.
A shows pictures of various museums, which is also very, very valuable.
Anyway, I found almost the exhibition catalog. It's here. Because you can quote without permission?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Congratulations On Pregnancy

Christmas Festival of Sacred Music

The final concert is not saved even Spivakov. Hall was packed, the tickets were asking unnecessary, but a wave of excitement I did not cover ...
Maybe because the music must still be performed in temples and not in concert halls?

On stage there was no free space : Choir of 200 people, a symphony orchestra. For ispopolneniya "Symphony of Psalms" Stravinsky wheeled two grand.
were soloists, organ podigryval, humming a gong, it was very short loud, pompous, and I think without a soul.

best part - it's solo boy (soprano) in the Psalms Bernstein: That's actually an angelic voice!

Polkontserta performs works Metropolitan Hilarion . But most memorable was their mutual congratulations, admiration at the end of the concert.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Make Spaghetti Bridge

Choir of Westminster Abbey

On Christmas choral festival in the House of Music tickets bought long ago.

felt sad, remembering the annual June choral festivals in Legnano. You can write a book. so many things were different!
In fact 10 years together with the festival. When I left from Legnano, emissions All programs: a whole pile of books.
Accompanied choirs (Russian speaking) from the former USSR: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Armenia.
In 1998 - the choir of the Moscow Tevlin Conservatory. All of a notorious, just afraid of. With the chorus worked Natasha.
I first saw the result of the fact that my daughter grew up in a free country. This is when she is not allowed to yell at himself the head of the choir. She is 17 then it was. With all the chorister she said firmly, that it nobody has a right to cry. Was dumb. After that, all the choristers forbidden to communicate with Natasha. And they listened! And after the show, already at the hotel, when all dispersed late by night, surreptitiously ran out of room to hold Natasha home.

And today was the men's choir and the choir boys. I've got something to compare. only a few songs caused shivers. After my choir, I cried.
But such cute boys in red cassocks (cassocks?) With corrugated white-collar workers. Noted that in the chorus of 4 boys Asians and one negretenok.

Hall was filled with gratitude and listened to the encore shouted.
in the locker room jam. I took the coat, to meet my father, as assumed in black robe with tum, beard. I saw the crowd in the locker room and so sincerely and loudly: "And not a fig are themselves!"

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Building The Immune System To Fight Genital Warts

Humberto Eco arrive in Jerusalem

20-25 February in Jerusalem opens International Book Fair. It will bring together more than 600 publishers, authors and literary editors from 30 countries worldwide.

would come to her and the classics of world Literature Umberto Eco, who will present her his last - sixth - a novel, "Prague cemetery."

How sad that we fly away. We could cross ...

Wethepeople Zodiac Cost


Late last night I saw an advertisement on the Internet:
January 20 at 13:00 Publishers and the Press Center of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev will present the book "Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Article. Dialogues. Interview. "

The presentation will include: writer Grigory Chkhartishvili (Boris Akunin) and Ulitskaya journalist Leonid Parfenov (Introduction by), a representative Publishers Kholodova Hope, director of the Lyceum - Boarding Podmoskovny Eugene Travin et al

morning in LA found out that it was in Rostov waterfront. And as always, running late, wondered where faster dobegu from Kiev or from Smolensk on this embankment.
let me easily, I have not even had time to breathe and to explain "from whom I am."

just a tiny room. Bunch of reporters. Looked at the mastodons of the dissident movement. Saw how difficult it came Ryazanov as Marieta Chudakova quietly and timidly pushed into the ear hearing aids. Long time could not understand. Who recalls Auntie with faded cornflower eyes. Squeezed Povzner with summer-tanned bald head. Finally waited Parfenov and the press conference began.
about the book I knew I had seen in December at the LA home.
wanted to write. what was said, but the Internet has found a good report:
After a brief introduction there was a hitch. Because this press conference, then the press should ask questions, and she was silent. Sort of confusion.

Remember "Mimino? It's the same place. This is also close to the same court, где судили мимино и где молодая адвокатесса выиграла дело и бежала в приприжку.  И тоже была зима. какие странные параллели.
Ходорковский- это уже явление. Do not even know how to treat it. Blessed? Hero?
in parallel heroes Green tent, which were not revolutionaries, just living beyond their temnavyazannym правилам, а по совести.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Where Do You Put Prawn Traps

vincenati @ 2011-01-19T12: 54:00

Появилась идея поехать в феврале в Израиль.
Осталось только все продумать, заказать и забронировать.
странное чувство. I want-I do not. This is the age!
as conveniently blame everything on the endocrine system. but the mood of this does not increase.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Pokemon Pinball J Rom

again suitcases

I'm like a soldier should collect a suitcase with his eyes closed in a matter of minutes.
So it turns out. as not tremble with fear "something important has forgotten." Of course forget that experience for the obvious?
hard to put warm clothes and think about the crackling Bitter cold today, when it was divine weather: the sun 20!

But as always accumulates mass urgent matters. The cat Alice red gums. Veterinarian immediately warned that it could be a sign of hideous disease: Cat AIDS. Took blood, did test, waiting for the result and was shaking. Fortunately: no. Joy immediately drove the vaccine. Patient Alice looked at me reproachfully, his wise eyes. Under cover of machine to shave her armpits Koshkins where for my lack of such mats strayed!

discovered that I had to fall neposazhennye bulbs daffodils, tulips hatch and invitingly green-doom started. We had a torch (!) In the early dusk to dig the ground and convulsively shove everything. Interestingly, a flowerbed to grow? And there grow. And given that does not allow the patient to lean back and sit down on his haunches - Striking his knee, then planting flowers looked like a theater of the absurd.
drop everything: a garden. sea, cats, and going to Moscow. It's cold and slippery! I bought 2 tickets for Christmas Choral Festival. By the way, where the tickets? That would be funny if I forget them!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My 5 Month Baby Has Cough

vincenati @ 2011-01-12T21: 49:00

almost 20 years ago, Lo came to us in Milan.
It was such a landmark journey.
from Germany, they came all the family on a chocolate Trabant, which was initially proposed to girlfriend Simone, and then she decided to visit Italy. How do they all fit there-mystery.

I polgodovoy after isolation without the printed letters Kirillova, Russian words written and spoken. and suddenly, Lo! On the question of what to bring, melancholy: books-i-uu!
But I'm on the other. I'm about rasstovanii.
always hysterical and sad.
Then there were regular meetings. Europe has shrunk and became available. It was possible to plan for future meetings. Travel
become commonplace.
So why can not this anguish at parting? Or is it the same age? Savings emotions?

Predator Wsk Knife Template

Chagall Stained

easy to get, but in one week, two churches with blue stained glass.
Zurich and Mainz.
and 12 other tribes in the hospital of Jerusalem, where LA was running.
Photos and details of the MB Fill

It Zurich

and this in Mainz
said that nearly 15 years had to be persuaded to work Chagall GERMAN in the temple. but was persuaded. I'd like to hear the arguments of the priest.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tech 5 Recon Paintball Gun

Germany Wiesbaden, Germany Speyer

In a gloomy, overcast day to go in terms of Wiesbaden is the best idea.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Best Male Masterbation

Today on a sunny day went to Speyer. Had to go to the Technical Museum, but this was a joyful sun that walks through the city, looking for a Jewish mikvah. She is one of the most ancient in Europe.

I read the local guide, just humor.
quote: "Kaiser's Cathedral is dedicated to Mary (Jewish) Mother of Jesus "
" When Edith Stein was taken to Auschwitz, she left the convent in Ehte as a Catholic sister. "
and all the little book of gems.
We went in Mikvah and understand why the Jews were strong and hardened. Perform ablutions in cold Germany, very hardened procedure.

Speyer together with the Worms and Mainz constitute the three most prominent Jewish communities in the German Rhine.
Photos do not want to boot.
And I have so many owed.
poslerozhdestvenskaya tour of the rainy Genoa.
Guided by Anna Arenzano
Museum of the Sea of Genoa with a stunning exhibition devoted to immigration from Italy to the United States at the turn Ages 19-20
and finally, a trip to Zurich
I would like a photo