Saturday, January 29, 2011

Red Wineheart Palpitations


marks the twenty years of our lives in Italy!
is half conscious life. Time during which the children have grown. We have released them from home, from home, which was bought, furnished and sold.
Coincidentally, yesterday we went to Pavia to F and celebrate together this event. As always all I remember. S. erased out of my head, G. remembered for a good cause. He was then 2.5 months.

And I remember every minute detail.
Wild terrible 1990. Terrible winter. Empty store shelves. Totally confused people. My heroic mother trying to get me out of postpartum depression (as I crushed the dishes on the floor!), in which a wild horror I was seeing how each day he became worse: the face is covered with scabs on his cheeks crimson from the terrible wounds diathesis.
We N.po evening we go by tram in Sokolniki in Italian lessons. Trams go bad. It gets dark early. People are killed on the street because of the bullshit. When we arrive home in the corridor we met my mother rounded on the unbearable fear of eyes and roaring, at the hands.

And then we got an exit visa to Italy, a tourist. And in the Italian embassy issued a visa to be reunited with his family. Well. it was written in Italian and at the border it is not noticed.

Then in Moscow were fearful of frost. G. wrapped in a quilt, tied two blue ribbons kapron. How fortunate that the French pharmacy in Pervomaiskaya we bought disposable diapers, a rescue! Loaded the pram (I wrote about it before), took the Russian textbooks N. and flew to Italy.
During the landing, he became orat.Mne nothing to do but to reassure him grudyu.Passazhiry came out with emotion and stared at me. I'm wildly shy nervous. It was time to go, but I could not tear G. weaning. later still, somehow obvernuv his blanket, we picked up N. latest came from the aircraft.
N. found a truck, got baggage, cargo carriage. And she was only 9 years old!

Terrified S. met us in Malpensa with his friend Carlo. AN joy to see after 10 months separation dad dropped her backpack, where he was Armenian brandy.

We traveled to Milan, I looked out the window and wondered otherness bleak landscape with generally accepted in our representation of the Italian image. Some gray shell mills, faceless house. I still could not believe what I was able to arrange all visas, buy tickets for my family all together. It happened.
The car smelled strongly cognac.


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