Sunday, February 27, 2011

Spots In Mouth And Throat


I have been tormented without my lessons ceramics. Subscribe to claim that modeling calms the nerves and is used in medical practice in psychiatry. Helps. Treats.

ride to Milan on my Gabriel impossible. Near Kogoleto in a nearby town found a studio, but when I come to the sea, always so many things that did not get there to get away.
On the internet found an announcement that there are courses in Moscow at the Jewish center on Nikitskaya. But there classes either on Monday or Friday, in the days of my arrival-fly.
So on Friday I picked myself and the force pushed out in the cold. The funny thing is that I am mentally even imagined where it is, because walking on the outskirts of the Tver parkway, came across a monument to Sholom Aleichem and the establishment of a clearly Semitic content. There I went.
I go, going through the metal detector, show the police a bag, go into the dressing room, undress and try to look around, where to go next.
asked: where is you course of ceramics?
I see that I do not quite understand. Trying to explain that subtracted the Internet.
And I question: Where are you come from? I again rasterenno of ceramics, internet, etc.
Me: You've come to the synagogue.
situation was very comical. And as I watched ... Another city was crazy. I do not deny that I would not hurt to psychotherapy in the form of sculpting.
Jewish Center in the next street was. The funny thing is that I remembered that it is by Nikita and saw that I was going to Bronnaya. but in my head nothing clicked.
So I got all the same. And as always, 3:00 total sedated from reality. Although cute girl asked me many questions.
And I thought that I have no photos of my work.
But it's nice to come for a visit and see their bowls, ploshechki, vases.

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Stop A Tree From Growing Nuts


At first I was very disappointed that the invitation to the opening of the exhibit sent by the bank Intesa, Sasha forgot to give me.
And yesterday, after the traditional Lunch with Leo on Krapotkinskoy I remembered that show Ostozhenka and I stand on this street.

Then I was struck by the new photography museum-like something Guggenheim Museum in NY, such as white plane that you see in the middle of a huge stairwells. Museum only opened his mistress Olga Sviblova- fragile woman with eternal pearls in black netting around the neck.

exhibition is very interesting is presented. Then I learned that the curator Sam Strudze. Then has everything in its place. in Russia can not do the exhibition. at best put up the material in chronological order.
And then everything is built not in chronological order principle, and following the main themes of creativity Fellini - a woman, a circus, psychoanalysis and dreams, cartoons, love for newspapers and magazines, and many others.

you walking the halls, watching movie clips, intevyu, drawings, photographs, listen to music.
I was stunned. when I heard a song that they sing without interruption grandmother Esther and my grandfather Luigi Anna. This is a song from the movie Fellini "Variety Lights" 1950.

reminded of the paparazzi. In the 60s a lot of Holywood filmed in Rome at Cinecitta. And the photographers were on duty in front of clubs and bars to sfotografirovt details of celebrity life. Surname of the hero and photographer in the Dolce Vita Paparazzo. And this Figure Fellini

I knew Fellini terrific draftsman. 2 years ago came out great albums with his drawings, which I could not sell Russian publishers. May now be interested in?.

Il libro dei sogni

On the advice of psychoanalyst Fellini 30 years, drew their own dreams. And you know what he filmed own dreams.
All of Freud:

And of course as you can get by without bathing Anita Ekberg in the Trevi Fountain?

This collection of covers magazines of the time with Anita.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Neurologist Order Blood Test Ca 125


No, this is not circumcision, about which you might think.
Walking in a winter Moscow, when all the trees are bare, is striking how terribly victimized them urban economy
That circumcision in Russian:

such photos can be a lot to do in Moscow.

And that circumcision in Switzerland. This Zurich

Famous sycamores. These avenues are also present in Italy and in France and in Switzerland and Germany

It Frankfurt

conclusions can be made independently. Immediately evident, and the national character and way of life and love of beauty.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dark And Frothy Urine


I was the third time in Jerusalem and did not find an explanation of why the Holy Land so attractive. Only on what has become a decoration of the Old and New Testaments?
While all of these worship place, the subjects would call pagan.

I suddenly remembered how we S. late again went into the old town (No card). Marched through the streets with closed shops, where the day had been so many people were happy that the street lamps, frightened stray cats and frightened themselves.

Came to wailing wall. The second time that day, but late at night it all looked different. I am miserable, completely devoid of religious feelings looking at the worshipers. Remembered requested that the last time. Suddenly, the tears flowed.
then wrote her a note, came very close and stopped. An elderly woman methodically obtselovyvala stone. Know how to kiss the baby: all-all cell.
It would at this time to wash the dishes after a family dinner.

And as for the Israelis can talk endlessly. This is also a unique phenomenon, and indeed the country.
return from the Dead Sea with our friends and their 18 year old daughter. and she suddenly said: "How I love my country!" Very simply and naturally. And then "I'm ready for it to die."
I immediately decided to ask George about Italy.

Cervical Position Before.

On the way to the Dead Sea Israel

D. behind us stopped and drove to the Dead Sea.
On the way we stopped at the House of Good Samaritan. Now there is a museum of mosaic.

I could not resist and took a photo of this young David. He would not sell tickets.

mosaics from Byzantine churches and synagogues. All collected from the stones.

road along the Dead Sea. Around пустыня.
В успешном кубуце Ен Геди настоящий ботанический сад. Это в пустыне, где нет дождей и сплошные камни под ногами.
это такой вокруг пейзаж жизнеутверждающий

Dead Sea

kibbutzniks embodied the utopian idea of a perfect society, and grow by building a paradise

it harsh winter, so in the spring, they say, just a fairy tale

This is our hotel and the impending dust storm, the famous khamsin.
experienced difficult climatic phenomenon. I understand the state of Pontius Pilate. At such moments, you will send to the scaffold mom home

From the same window, but a day later

Calgary Police Car Accidents

here is this amazing world's only weird mysterious attractive city Jerusalem.


3.Gefsimansky garden. Olives on 2000 years. Christ was here in the evening before his arrest.
The output of the Arab guy was selling small olive branches. seemingly out of the garden ...

twinkling stars far indifferent
bend in the road was lit up.
road went around Mount of Olives,
Beneath it flowed Kedron.

Lawn ended abruptly with the half.
for her began the Milky Way.
Grey silvery olives
tried to distance
air step (Boris Pasternak)

This is another place that memorable evening. The chamber, where it was last evening.
There was a group of pilgrims from the Philippines. They meditated aloud.


how it might fit? : Concentrated, like everything else in this country.
At this point, allegedly took place last night here also on another floor tomb of King David. Franciscans in the 12 century building is an edifice of Muslims expelled from there and add their decorations:


8. gates in the old town.
Arabs with pretzels on a trolley from the past centuries. Traffic signs and fire hydrants, from segodlnyashnego.

9. In Hebrew Quarter:
In the hands of Jewish children is not the sword. and such things that make big bubbles

10. religious Jewish mother. The boys of yarmulkes, the moms ugly hats

11. Holy place: the Wailing Wall. This piece of wall that supports the Temple Mount.



14. Streets of Jerusalem. Jewish Quarter

15.Raskopki wall. Davidson Center. City 2000 years ago


17. as well as young people walking at night in the old town.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why Is My Period Watery

Winter in Tel Aviv

reached to the Internet.
We are already on the Dead Sea with D.
Yesterday was Jerusalem.
And the first day of Jaffa and Tel Aviv.
What was the blue-blue sea ....

I love this sandy city with blue shutters. It is small, polished, unlike the rest of Tel Aviv. Very compact and harmonious.

dined in a restaurant where we were from Arabic-served by having a table with a thousand skeet with any victuals. With hot cakes delicious and satisfying. And then tea with mint and coffee from myatogo have not shelled pot.

Then he took a long walk along the promenade in Tel Aviv, watching the wiry local cats.
After sunset, went on a bus in Jerusalem

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pokemon Doujinshi Yaoi Where Can I Find Some


Our friend's birthday.

I can not stand all these birthdays, but I confess When I arranged a surprise happy as a child.

something immensely interesting is prepared in Weimar.
I love this city and if I were asked, in what great city to live, raise children, to visit their parents, to celebrate birthdays and attend dance classes, I know what to say. This is a nice city Vaymer. This
the city of my self from abroad. This is when, without passing the Party committees and characterization.

But I got distracted, I'm about Lenore.
sent the my webpage in a collective letter of congratulations and raskachegarenaya memories, here I can not stop. with multiple sclerosis are not joking, can the next anniversary, and I do not remember.

the question when I met with Lenore.
called me and asked for a transit shelter German woman, her friend Stephen. I do not remember the details, I remember fiery red-haired great speaking in Russian girl with whom we immediately blabbed as if they were long-standing girlfriend.

I remember that my Natasha figured out a long time, where my aunt will go to sleep. into staging the city of Moscow, at home all the time someone spent the night and had 2 options: either to Nate on the couch or on a cot in the kitchen.

And then it was August 1988 in Thuringia. Our hike through the surrounding hills, castles, fortresses. And how do we overeat unowned cherries?
I was shocked by age friend Lenore. So it seemed strange to me, and now, no.
How she was able to organize everything: clearly, without our favorite rocking: "Well another cup of coffee Well, even the last cigarette ...." is in German.
And then Lenore was born Merit. I admired how she brings up, no, not even raising: just living together. Very harmonious and rational, and fully saturated. How it defined the boundaries of freedom for the child, in which grows, develops personality.
I was shocked when I saw the girl was wearing: I did not know what it is? irrepressible children's imagination, some special laws of child representation the beautiful. But to my zanudlivoe why Lenore had not intervened in this dress (tsyganistym also can not be named was because gypsy outfit with all its insane brilliance -Gramonichnyy.Lenora calmly said that it was not a reason to intervene.
me very, very interesting to see how this little girl grows.

I am so happy I'm in Erfurt. L., to take me again?
want you to meet me at the airport, seated in the car, smelling of freshly baked pie with cabbage and we went to a Erfurt, and then in Weimar. And walked all the friends. And you should see the faces of the new wrinkles, would have learned about the adult children. But coming soon, with his grandchildren to acquaint will!
including Thank you, Lenore, I spent a wonderful evening in flashback.
and ought to collect the suitcase ...