Sunday, February 20, 2011

Calgary Police Car Accidents

here is this amazing world's only weird mysterious attractive city Jerusalem.


3.Gefsimansky garden. Olives on 2000 years. Christ was here in the evening before his arrest.
The output of the Arab guy was selling small olive branches. seemingly out of the garden ...

twinkling stars far indifferent
bend in the road was lit up.
road went around Mount of Olives,
Beneath it flowed Kedron.

Lawn ended abruptly with the half.
for her began the Milky Way.
Grey silvery olives
tried to distance
air step (Boris Pasternak)

This is another place that memorable evening. The chamber, where it was last evening.
There was a group of pilgrims from the Philippines. They meditated aloud.


how it might fit? : Concentrated, like everything else in this country.
At this point, allegedly took place last night here also on another floor tomb of King David. Franciscans in the 12 century building is an edifice of Muslims expelled from there and add their decorations:


8. gates in the old town.
Arabs with pretzels on a trolley from the past centuries. Traffic signs and fire hydrants, from segodlnyashnego.

9. In Hebrew Quarter:
In the hands of Jewish children is not the sword. and such things that make big bubbles

10. religious Jewish mother. The boys of yarmulkes, the moms ugly hats

11. Holy place: the Wailing Wall. This piece of wall that supports the Temple Mount.



14. Streets of Jerusalem. Jewish Quarter

15.Raskopki wall. Davidson Center. City 2000 years ago


17. as well as young people walking at night in the old town.


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